
People keep asking me what this is in reference to, and the answer is not some singular event. It's been decades of political and cultural pressure to erode the right to free speech. None of this is new. Hell, it's been a step by step reenactment of Weimar Berlin from 100 years ago.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
I want to say that if you think this is new, you haven't been paying attention, but the real response is that if you think this is new, the powerful have done a very successful job of keeping you in the dark.
The spirits of Comstock and Kellogg are sadly flourishing even among some queer folks who call themselves leftist. It's fucked up
Sorry, this is me just ranting in agreement. Fascist need to point to someone as "the problem" so they target groups least likely to have the financial backing needed to put up a fight. If they wind up the part-time religious so they feel better about their hypocrisy all the better for fascists