
I want everyone to understand that JobSeeker in Australia is so low it is driving homelessness, anxiety, depression and exacerbating all health issues with the stress it causes. It is political will that keeps it so low. Currently Australia’s JobSeeker payment is the lowest in all OECD countries.
In Australia JobSeeker for the unemployed 28% of the median average income. In all others OECD countries averaged out, there unemployment benefit is 57% of their average median incomes. If JobSeeker was raised by $550/FN in Australia it would be less still, at 48%. #RaiseTheRate #auspol #EndPoverty
Can't have people on a decent level of benefits AND have underwater death machines. See, it's all about choices and the priorities tell us quite a bit about our fearless leaders.
I was listening to George Monbiot yesterday. About his new book The secret history of neo-liberalism. Accidental listening driving home. It was making me so angry about the deliberateness of it all. Then he talked about change. When the impossible becomes inevitable. Think marriage equality.
Monbiot is a rare shining light. I have to be careful with anger because it saps my energy. I look at the trees, insects and birds, do some labouring and its mostly gone. Our ruling class didn't get where they are by being sort of uncaring and selfish. They really and truly don't give a shit.
I’m deciding on whether to get the book. Not released as yet. But the fact that he sees hope helps.
He sounds worth listening to. Might have to find that podcast.
I think it was David Marr. On RN anyway.