
With “allies“ like these who needs enemies
I mean the ONLY way Labour want to "streamline the transition process" is so they can remove the requirement for trans people to use public facilities appropriate for them, because they fully intend to try to ban them from using those exact feckin facilities. That's literally IT.
Yeah kinda feels like streamlining GRCs feels pretty pointless if they strip us of being able to exist otherwise: “look your paperwork will acknowledge your ‘gender identity’ in death which is good because we sure as hell won’t recognize it in your life, why aren’t you happy?”
Keeping the grc just shows they have no intention of introducing self id. The thing trans people actually want and what would be progress proven to work in other countries.
Absolutely. I have zero good feelings about that horrible grey nasal authoritarian twat becoming pm.
Me neither, he’s sure showing his transphobic colours and it makes me really depressed about the future
And the thing is, if he'd kept his trap shut about it for the last month he'd still be sauntering into a huge majority. So this isn't for votes. He's showing us who he is, not for approval, but precisely because he doesn't need OUR approval any more.
Labour's vote share has risen only 1.6%. We need to be very careful to understand that Cons lost this by Reform splitting the vote allowing this under FPTP, because there is far worse waiting for us. There is an argument here that he's showing us this because he knows who's bringing up the rear.
That argument, however, is currently only being made by me, because I am seeking the most positive spin I can find in order to continue to function.
Yeah, I understand that. The alternative is that we've got 3 competing hard right parties. Which is the case.