
So this is starting to feel quite ominous
Women and equalities minister not announced yet thats…fine im sure its fine
The position has been canceled like trans women
I've been refreshing all day waiting and it's like almost noteworthy considering the absence
The balance of probabilities is that it'll just be given to an existing cabinet member who is female and/or of BAME heritage, as an afterthought. Which is obviously terrible, but at least could mean it won't be someone ACTIVELY chosen for their transphobia
Obviously, they'll almost certainly be a transphobe. But maybe only coincidentally.
I'm wondering if the intended person didn't get voted in. Debbonaire maybe? Was an MP so they assume safe and mucked it. It would lead to some infighting as they try to resolve who it should be now. I'm hoping that's a good thing rather than... Uuuugh.