
i will be voting biden even if hes in a coma because i will not vote for a criminal to be InCharge of our nation he cares only to get elected same as his first term he told the people of wisconsin "i dont care for you ,i just need your vote" this statement should tell every american trumps truth
Roll him in on a gurney attached to life support and he's still my choice. Kamala is totally ready to carry the baton, Democrats are A TEAM.. the rancid sewer rat runs a cult.
👍😀i voted trump in 2020 he has shown his colors he is a traitor a thief a murder and sexual predator ( and if the Epstein records are right pedophile ) and a felon why would any sane person vote to be ripped off by this flimflam man and since the assassin was not even shooting at trump fraud
Glad to hear you're making the right choice this time around. Now multiply your vote by making sure everyone you know understands what's at stake. #VoteBlueForever and bring all of your friends along.
i have tried i live in maga land and they refuse to believe the truth i was the first to call it a cult on twitter i got booted from twitter for talking bad about trump i have argued with friends i have had for 30 years even my own son and they tell me i hate trump and convictions its all political
Unfortunately, the ultra maga cult will not ever see him for what he is, until it's too late. He's a worthless, racist psychopath who cares only for himself. Trying to make them see, is an exercise in futility. They're lost, save yourself.
yes i know and my blue vote will not count for much but it is not a vote for a traitor to america who worships our enemies