
This, and blurting out spoilers for movies and TV shows proves to me that someone is too irresponsible to use social media. We could still be friends, but not digital friends. There is zero acceptable reason to plug someone into a group message (or text) without consent. It's not OK.
๐Ÿ˜‚ We need to wear this sweatshirt when visiting my husband's cousin who routinely adds 20 people to a text, each one of whom responds to the entire group.
Also, a friend invited me to What's App and that's literally what the software is... It's a constant group chat. I had to delete it from my phone since I couldn't figure out how to disable audio notifications. People were chatting at 1am and I'd hear it ding.
I had to get up between 5 & 5:30 am every day to be awake enough to drive to a job for 7am and I'd get replies to these group messages from people I've never even met at 2am. I had to figure out the "do not disturb" function on my phone, no audible notifications between set times.