Rasmus Puggaard-Rode

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Rasmus Puggaard-Rode


Phonetician at LMU Munich. Very into stops, Danish/Germanic, Rstats. Also have other hobbies
praatpicture 1.2.0 is now on CRAN, time for a HYPE THREAD 👀💅💯💥🍾🎉🎆
cooking up something ✨shiny✨
Ahead of ISSP, I wrote a proper exhaustive manual for praatpicture. It's never been easier to do your acoustics plotting in R! Come over to my poster and talk about if you're going to Autrans! rpuggaardrode.github.io/praatpicture...
Make Praat Picture-style plots of acoustic data in Rrpuggaardrode.github.io
Full-time/Permanent: Lecturer or Senior Lecturer (G7/8 - roughly equivalent to assistant/associate professor) in Forensic Linguistics at Cardiff University. Applications close 28 April. krb-sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Sear...
Job Search | Cardiff Universitykrb-sjobs.brassring.com Search for Internet job results.
{praatpicture} is now on CRAN! While you're sitting around waiting for the decisions from Speech Prosody to roll in, why not install.packages("praatpicture") and do some plotting? You won't regret it!
A blessing and curse of working on my R plotting library is that I'll be reading a paper, stumbling upon a nice Praat image, and will completely lose my attention. Like this one -- love the white background of the pitch contour, really makes it pop out! 1/
Yikes, the dreaded p>2.5 of lore
Keating (1990), following a proposal by Steriade (1993), suggests that time travel is possible
Call for Associate/Full Professorship in Cognitive Science or Computational Linguistics. The focus areas for the position are computational linguistics, computational humanities, cognitive science of language and social interaction. Please share widely! international.au.dk/about/profil...
Stay tuned this weekend, some VERY important updates are coming to praatpicture!
Menghui Shi and I are hosting a special session at Speech Prosody on segmental influences on prosody! Really looking forward to heading back to Leiden for this next summer. If you have any work on this, you should absolutely submit an abstract ❤️ www.universiteitleiden.nl/sp2024/progr...
I got a new bank account 2 months ago and asked to get my salary there instead of my old bank account. I have now received a letter with a printed formula where I need to fill in my new bank details by hand, sign it, and mail it back. Just Germany things...
LMU estimates that a hotel room in Edinburgh should cost €99. After looking at booking dot com I can conclude that €99 won't even get me a spot in an 18-bed dorm
Yale Cog Sci has an opening for a language-y person - come and be my colleague! apply.interfolio.com/131650
The Norwegian job application portal has an electronic CV form, where you can (among other things) add scientific publications. The format for this is hilariously bad. Degree (??) and type (??) are mandatory fields. Title, venue, year are all optional
Monday morning* praatpicture feature drop 🍾 - Multiple channels (any number in theory) can now be plotted! - There's now support for special font types like bold, small caps etc in TextGrids using Praat's conventions! (1/)
GitHub - rpuggaardrode/praatpicture: Make Praat Picture style plots of acoustic datagithub.com Make Praat Picture style plots of acoustic data. Contribute to rpuggaardrode/praatpicture development by creating an account on GitHub.
The strain on scientific publishing 📄: We've got issues. Scientists overwhelmed, editors overworked, constant special issue invites, mass article retractions, journal delistings… JUST WHAT IS GOING ON!? See: arxiv.org/abs/2309.15884 A 🧵1/n #AcademicChatter #PublishOrPerish #PhDAdvice #PhDChat
It's 18:00, headed home from work, and there's already vomit on the metro floor. I'm just about ready for Oktoberfest to be over
Any tips for showing potential for project acquisition in a job app? (in the absence of, you know, actually having acquired project funding...). I can't really figure out how best to approach this
Hi users of PraatSauce and R! I've written something that allows you to call PraatSauce from R and returns a data frame with measures. Takes all the usual PS arguments but in R format.
Hi 🟦sky people, I'm looking for a PhD position where I can research biases in automatic speech recognition, especially from a phonetics/linguistics perspective (less from a programming one) Slightly willing to relocate for the perfect position Find my CV here shorturl.at/bvyJW Please share🙏
There’s a few spaces left for our free online workshop on modeling multi-dimensional and misaligned time-varying contours (in R #rstats) by Dr Michele Gubian [Sept 25 & 26, 2-4 pm Berlin time]. You can sign up here www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/modelling-...
Hey folks, I’m looking for a postdoc whose interested in speech, prosody, and patient work. www.vanderbilt.edu/postdoc/posi...
Just learned that the German title Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me is Twin Peaks: Der Film. They're not mincing words around here
Deadline Nov 6: Phonology, tenure-track asst. prof., McGill. mcgill.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/McGill...
Higher powers, grant me the strength to stop checking the submission platform and accept that they will email me when something happens that I need to know
Just rediscovered this tallboi meme I used in some slides 2 years ago. More relevant than ever!
Why would a journal require me to decide if I want to publish open access *when I submit*? I have no idea what my OA funding options will be when or if this thing finally gets accepted.