
Editorials used to be buried on the editorial page. Now, online, they appear atop the home page of The New York Times. Separation of org chart means nothing. The Times as institution and brand is engaged in full-on advocacy against Joe Biden and democracy out of personal petulance.
never forget that that comment is from an anonymous source, and the only quote in the piece that suggests anything along the lines of a personal grudge. It proves nothing.
I’d never say that—newsroom leaders campaign against them, but they creep back in, because anonymity undercuts credibility, and especially when it’s a big accusation like this one. Especially when it’s critical of someone’s character, a personal shot. My editors would have pushed hard on that.
But critics of the MYT accept it because it seems to confirm what they want to hear. And it feeds the outrage machine.
"MYT" is a lovely Freudian typo 😎, for I know you want to defend your alma mater. But this is a time for serious self-reflection in our field, especially among journalism educators & scholars, for the storytellers won't tell this story. That's why this discussion is important.
Heh. That was a dumb typo, and I really should devote more time to proofreading. But dismissing what I say as simply showing the flag is a mistake. And I agree that the discussion is important.