
Isn't it weird how we decide to make something? Like one day I decided to make a collage and I don't know why? I made several for a while there. After the first couple they had themes for the must part, choosing a theme was often practical, one could follow the logic.
The placement of the pieces though, those choices were like an instinct, like getting the answer to an algebra problem, but skipping over the steps. I moved everything until it looked "right".
It's the same with music. After I finished my last album, I said to myself, albums are no longer the thing, it'll be better if I just work on a song at a time. Singles. I did a couple, but as I finished the second, I'd started a new song and something on me said, make your white album.
I've been at it for a couple years now. I can't tell you why I chose the songs I did, they all just seemed right, though a few have changed since I started. I thought for a while I'd keep the track number lower, but it just kept climbing.
Why? I don't know, and though most of the time it feels childish and silly, yet when I can work on it, I feel that flow feeling. I'm excited by my improved skill at coming up with parts, and how the arrangements are coming together.
I think it's part of the flow, I might have a rational for a certain part or instrumental. I'll fiddle with theory sometime, but ultimately each part gets worked until it just sounds "right." I wish I understood where it comes from. How is the silent part of my brain is making these decisions?