
This is genuinely what I try to remember. Most people don't want the hellscape being sold from the right!! they don't!!!
News out of France today and England earlier is demonstrating that most people, it turns out, aren't very into fascism. Which is a comforting thought.
My son was trolling me by sending me this old video of Australian conservatives clowning on "woke lefties" and they said something about "dismissing half the country" referring to Trump supporters and... nah, this is not split 50/50 just because there are two parties.
People need to look at the numbers more precisely. The Front National had 10 seats in the French Parliament in 2017, 89 in 2022 and now 130+, which is about 25%. It's correct that the majority reject fascism, but there's a dangerous increase that could lead to Bardella elected president in 2027.