
Did I ever tell you all about the time someone introduced me, at a large event, with erroneous info because they had “asked” ChatGPT for my bio?
Friends don't let friends use AI as a reference book.
This person also “asked ChatGPT” if another writer on the panel went by her middle name or her first initial plus middle name,” instead of just… asking her
The other writer didn’t make it to the panel, unfortunately, but this person also mistook me for her (we are both Chinese American women)—even after I’d introduced myself—so it was *kind of* like she was there anyway
There is something here about the dogged insistence on clinging to “facts” from generative AI and trying to overwrite reality to match them, even when those “facts” are clearly untrue
can't wait for the tech lobby to get the supreme court to declare that generative AI is always the truth, superceding all other sources