Ryan Humphrey

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Ryan Humphrey


Politics, video & Geekery
The overlap that’s developed in the last few years between young rightwing fascists and old leftwing tankies is truly weird
I remember when every tenth social media post wasn’t someone asking for donations I have a lot of sympathy for people where that’s where they’re at. They’re typically good people with real need. But it’s like we can see society failing in real time, and it’s accelerating
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Humphrey
In hindsight, it’s interesting to know that Kat Jones would have been part of making the decision by Glasgow not to explore the WorldCon incapacity clause. I wonder if it might now get reexamined, either by Glasgow or Seattle. Or maybe by Glasgow for Seattle
I miss hashtags. They made it so easy to follow events and topics. I want to see what people are saying that aren’t already a friend or friend of a friend
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Humphrey
Heads up: If you have an Adobe account, for Acrobat or Photoshop or whatever: they've turned on the "we will pillage your work for AI" setting. Go to Adobe account website on desktop -> Account and Security -> Data and Privacy Settings -> Content Analysis. Turn it off.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Humphrey
Those who know me, know I used to be a Furry Fandom Journalist who investigated a spate cons that collapsed either shortly before or shortly after my reporting, or in one case involving the IRS in the time between filing and publishing. I'm sure feeling that same "Dead Con Walking" energy right now
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Humphrey
🍁📣 Canada is updating COPYRIGHT LAW to deal with AI! They want to hear from us about it! The survey is four open-ended questions and one general "feedback" question. All the questions are optional! So if you want it can be REAL QUICK tiny.cc/ai-ca
Consultation on Copyright in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligencetiny.cc From: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Current status: Open Consultation period extended to January 15, 2024.
Dawson Bridge & Golf Course, 1960 & 2023 The original is from an 8mm film. It's interesting to me how little visible development there actually is from this angle. We've done a good job protecting the river valley. Certainly a lot more trees in the last 60 years! #Edmonton #Yeg vimeo.com/872756961
Edmonton Alberta: Looking South at Dawson Bridge, 1960 & 2023vimeo.com The original is from an 8mm film, scanned and corrected. I replicated the location as closely as I could, but from the angles I believe the original might have been…
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