
Starting in Version 1.46, users can submit reports for lists.
What is "intolerance" in this context? If a bunch of Russian Putinists or their MAGA friends who want to see Ukraine wiped off the face of the earth, we should not be required to "tolerate" their hate. We should have the right to mute them in advance. #UkrainianView
Coming in Version 1.46 - Fascists and TERFs reporting the anti-fascist and TERF mute lists they're on.
BlueSky managing to out-Twitter Twitter in the than four months
We're REALLY gonna need guidance on what counts as trolling/harassment for lists. If I have a list labeled "Rude Assholes" of people who were rude assholes (so I know why I muted/blocked) does that meet the threshold, even if not engaged/argued with directly?
Can we at least have the option to enter a note when muting/blocking your keep track? Easier to decide if worth unblocking/muting in the future if behavior was a one off.
Before new features, could we have action on current reports? You have 2 days of reports on a disgusting racist, sexist account that is impersonating a murdered Black man. No action. Very frustrating. Either people are asleep or have decided it's OK. If you won't take action, pls at least respond.
Been trying to get this account vanquished all day. It was reported yesterday and today by multiple people. >1400 people are blocking it. Pls report. Quantity should help if Trust & Safety is awake. Which I'm starting to doubt. Report the acct + individual posts (only if you can handle it)
Maybe mute list names should not be public!
What does this even mean? Reporting the list for having been made, or bulk reporting those on the list?
It’s a great way to get your account taken down by people who don’t see eye to eye with you pretty much.
how about blocking options?
if this is how furry mute lists die, idk if I could use this app.
How about people get notified when they get added to such lists and when they see it's a hate list, they simply block the creator of the list and they are automatically taken off, like on X?