
Now you can use a starter pack to invite friends and colleagues to Bluesky! Some more details threaded 🧵
Today, we’re releasing starter packs — personalized invites that allow you to bring friends directly into your slice of Bluesky! 🚀 Update to version 1.87 of the app or refresh desktop to create a starter pack. (It may take a moment for version 1.87 to appear in the iOS App/Google Play stores.)
When you join a starter pack as a new user, you’ll get a sunrise badge on your profile. This helps your community find you, and lets other people know they should welcome you!
Currently, you can add suggested users and custom feeds to your starter pack. We’re working on improving in-app discovery and reliability of labeling services before they’re available in starter packs.
Spot a starter pack that’s a policy concern? You can report starter packs to Bluesky’s moderation service, and our team will review your report.
Really like this idea
The Onion should definitely be our flagship recommended profile
Private profiles when? Private posts when? Private block feeds when? All the drama on this fucking site is letting people moderate it and a good handful of people DO NOT FACT CHECK.
What about the droves of self identified pedophiles and zoophiles who put it smack dab on their bio on here? Pretty sure catering people discussing and hosting that content is fucking I don’t know… ILLEGAL?
Oh, you got dedicated Trust & Safety going? Oh, you don't. Hah, no, no, no thank you.