
The Trump arguments at the DC Circuit (over the gag order) have begun. Trump's lawyer is up:
FYI: The panel is Judges Patricia Millett (Obama), Cornelia Pillard (Obama), and Brad Garcia (Biden), and it's not going well for Trump's lawyer, D. John Sauer.
Ooooof. Sauer: "I cannot think of a violation that would not violate the law." Sauer is basically saying that there is no gag order that could issue aside from criminal law violations.
But it's completely on-brand for Trump. "I'm campaigning on the fact that the justice system and everyone in it is biased against me personally, so anything I say is political speech, not witness tampering." For someone who never thinks about anything beyond himself, it makes perfect sense.
The hypothetical I would like to hear, and won't, is one that involves a low-status person doing the same thing Trump wants permission to do.