Jeanne Ball

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Jeanne Ball

Librarian, reader, writer, dog furniture, hockey fan, disillusioned with American Christianity but still a believer.

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It's 7:35. I started work at 9. I had breakfast and second breakfast and snacked on pretzel bits. Kept me from being hungry so I didn't have lunch. My stomach would like to remind me that supper is a thing people have.
Got the gnomes I’ve done at least partially painted. I am bad at skin tones. Beards and mustaches, however, are fun. I’m so happy with how one of the hats turned out. Person requested blue/purple so I did a purple base with a blue metallic over it. It looks so cool! The others are in-process.
I don’t know what Jack is doing here, but that’s kind of where my arm wants to be. So now I’m sitting with my arm on him because sitting otherwise is hurting my shoulder.
I remembered at 4:15 that I had a meeting at 10:15. This is going to hurt.
Ha! My hands look I’m suffering some kind of heart or blood vessel condition. I’ve dyed myself blue from cleaning up the blueberry mess I made.
I’m pretty sure it’s garbage day tomorrow and I haven’t taken out the garbage and doing so is going to be a pain because I have recycling stacked by the front door. And it’s almost 3am. Darn me for reading all night.
Y’all, I don’t know what it means, but a V of geese flew by the other day. All I can think is they decided to head further north because it’s a few months too early for them to pull up stakes and head south.
Took last year’s blueberries out of the freezer to make room for this year’s. Cooking them down to get juice. After that… syrup? Maybe?
I think it’s time for bed. Up at 5:30. Actually have done some things today. I’m really tired. Maybe I’ll have good dreams.
Made a couple more gnomes today. I think I have three more to make. Maybe. Have to check my list. I tried something with one that I hope is going to work. It’ll look cool if it does. *fingers crossed*
Soooo, my little nap at 6:40 turned into sleeping until 5:30. Oops. I should go pick blueberries.
My dog Jack just barked a few times then came running down the stairs to bark out the window, causing Jillie to go out the window (dog door is in the window) and bark at stuff. At what? I have no idea. I thought maybe I had visitors out picking blueberries. Nope. Jack almost never barks.
I had chips with guacamole and queso. I recommend it highly to anyone who likes tortilla chips, guacamole, and/or queso.
Entertained my coworkers this morning with a recap of my SyFy channel viewing last night while I was making my little gnome dudes. They were unfamiliar with Pacific Rim and Pacific Rim: Uprising. No longer, my friends. No longer. There was a little reenactment happening. I had fun.
Someone called in to register for a program next week so I entered their information on our website for them. Then I was checking my email. "Oh, cool, someone else signed... up... Oh, right. I knew that."
Watching a disaster flick. Did you know that multiple lightning strikes can cause a building to just explode?
I think I mismeasured my Manhattan. How many ounces of whiskey? *sweats*
I got my first customization request for the little gnomes I'm making. I've been carrying around 5lbs of airdry clay for almost the last month. I love doing little sculpty things. I wish I'd had more experience with it when I was younger. Mush, poke, smooth, bend... I love how tactile it is.
*whistling* Love and joy come to you And to you your wassail, too...
Ha! Realizing you’re on the wrong track when you’re only a couple thousand words into a new story is so much easier to fix than halfway through.
I want something crunchy to eat. I'm not sure I'm actually hungry. Just craving something. I blame the guy earlier who said he was full of pretzels. :( I want to be full of pretzels. And maybe cheese.
It's a bit windy here. Sitting in my car on my lunch break and I can feel it getting cooler. I think I'll take my umbrella inside with me. It's supposed to be raining when we close.
Man, a good stretch is lovely. I really ought to do more of that.
Looking for an old journal, I found the two previous. In one I described a story I was writing, trying to talk out plot points with myself. I barely remember this story.
My back and legs hurt. I turned on my seat warmer on the way home even though it's still almost 80⁰F. On the low setting, that's just about how warm my car was when I got in it after having it parked in the sun all day. Now I'm home, sitting in the driveway trying to psych myself up to go inside.
Them: Hey, you want to eat 1/4 of a cucumber? Me: Nah, thanks, though. Them: What if we pickled it? Me: *nom nom nom*
I'm feeling weird today. Very... I don't even know. Not shaky. Mentally shaky? Unfocused. I'm doing things at work. So it's just background weird. I'm sure it has nothing to do with it being the third anniversary of my mom's death. There's a facebook memory that just punched me in the head.
Someone rang my doorbell at 8:45 this morning. There was a car in the driveway. But by the time I pulled pants on and got downstairs (I fell asleep about 4, so I was still in bed), no one was at the door and no one answered when I yelled hello. So I hope someone was picking blueberries. But who?
You know what would be awesome? If my sewing machine would tell me when I run out of bobbin thread so I don’t sew for feet without it. Are there machines that do that?