
You may want to know too that the mimic has horns now hehe #art #handmade #leathercraft #ttrpg
I've been working, promise! I'm just with the boring stuff now, flattening the thread, adjusting the borders, finishing the box corners stitches, painting and hardening the interior, moulding the lid... I also needed a bit of a rest, my hand is not recovered yet #art #leathercraft #handmade #ttrpg
I did want to know, thank you 😀 can't wait to see this little guy finished!
Except for the paws, the main picture is how he will look like, but there are structural and finish details to polish because I'm a sick perfectionist XD
I just love him more with every update, honestly-it's turning out amazing, your leather flowers and armour etc are all wonderful but this little guy has really captured my heart lmao
Most of that is Leatherhub work, that made the pattern for this, I'm only bringing one of these little monsters to life 💚
They get a lot of credit, rightfully, but also-if I'd tried making it, it would not have come out very well. So you also get a huge amount of the credit for bringing this guy to life so well too!
I hope someday to have the knowledge and skills to make something as cute and useful as this 🥰