Adam says relax

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Adam says relax

Great new packaging, same bad flavor

he/him • hockey • tabletop games

No war but class war
Pretty sure I just heard Bill O’Reilly is coming up next on the Daily Show
Time to see how many threads they wrap up and how many are left dangling on the Acolyte
No way anything like this has a chance of making it thorough Congress but it is nice to see the Dems at least do a theoretical thing after so much shrugging and “be sure to vote in November”
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Holy shit, did they double down after the email?
STICKER COMPANY CEO: You know how our business model relies on artists and other small-time creative people using our printing services? STAFF: Yeah CEO: What if we burned that all down?
Just saw a Coffeemate ad so bad it turned me from “who gives a shit?” to “fuck Coffeemate,” so hats off to their PR department
Despite spending most of any day thinking about RPGs I don’t actually like the role playing aspect, as expressed through voices and improv, but I just did a Dr Evil alongside Knowledge Fight just now and something clicked. What if it’s not (just) a voice but a mannerism? The pinky to mouth move
Don’t know why I’m surprised but still disappointing to hear “look at this big boy, he’s got a bandaid on his boo-boo but he’s being so brave about it, look at him standing without any help”
Lester Holt really hammering Biden with “aren’t you the real domestic terrorist, mister bullseye?” but grandpa is doing a decent job of deflecting and refocusing on talking points. I’d heard reports saying as much but still nice to see it yourself
MSNBC has a tiny picture in picture of people dancing at the RNC and I was all set to make a “they’re playing the song of my people: Jump Around by House of Pain” but then they showed a lady waving T*ump flags in a head covering (hijab? I am not knowledgeable) and the whole thing fell apart
First, I love Exalted (the ttrpg). Have every 1E book. It is my dream game. Second, I’m finally watching Avatar (the series). This show is as much Exalted as Event Horizon is a 40K movie, which is to say spiritually a 100% match. The number of times I could have pitched Exalted to an Avatar fan…
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Has the Van Jones class of pundits who were busy cranking it to the idea of a post-shooting pivot published their editorials about how JD Vance signals that new tone yet or are they still busy cranking?
So, Longlegs. Very good, very my jam, wanted another half hour or so, don’t understand the “scariest movie of the decade” marketing. An Osgood Perkins slow burn vibe fest with the occasional frenetic burst. Looking forward to repeat viewings as it’s very dense and I know I missed a lot
About to hide away from this hellosh reality for around two hours. Longlegs, do your thing
Well, it finally happened. YouTube served me straight Fox News. Didn’t start really watching things on YouTube until Elden Ring came out and it’s been mostly video games and tabletop games ever since. Only political/news I engage with there is, but maybe that’s enough connection
Can we have a small respite from the news? I know we joke about “today was a long year” but holy hell I want to get off this ride
Judge dismisses classified documents indictment against Judge dismisses classified documents indictment against Donald Trump.
Could do with way less long shots of the stage that are littered with CGI BS
Saw my first Alien: Romulus trailer just now
I was gonna swap to HotD during halftime, but Shakira…
The way Messi made sure to roll back onto the field of play
Audio wildly out of sync with the video. What an embarrassment tonight
Now the other soccer game is in a delayed start of 1:15(!) because as a nation we apparently haven’t figured out how to properly secure a soccer stadium. Banner weekend for public events
Ooooh, idea hit. What if there was a companion that the Stanley Cup that did the same engraved names bit but for the losing team? I could understand not wanting to touch that sort of trophy