
And the Republican oppo team goes into hyper drive defining them both a wild-eyed leftists who torture kittens and trump wins 47 states….
Do you live in a universe where Republicans don't call every democrat a wild eyed leftist regardless of what they say or do
Defining a candidate isn’t about gaining support of the extremes, it is about winning, or suppressing, undecideds.
What is your point, Republicans do this with every Democrat
The obvious point is that the Republicans would successfully destroy a new candidate with this little time before an election. It takes YEARS to defend against lies, or truths, and define a candidate. It would take about two weeks of news cycles to suppress the D vote.
How would kamala Harris be attacked in ways she has not already been attacked, she's the vice president of the United States. Are they gonna call her a loony California liberal even though she was a prosecutor? certainly no republican has accused her of that before
I mean, they call literally EVERY Democrat a Marxist commie extreme leftist, even if you're an old style conservative KKK democrat - you can go moderate, you can pander, they're still gonna call you a commie socialist