
OK, screw it. I'm having fun now. I want to see how far this thread goes, because it's getting funny.
These people just... keep on trying.
HAHAHAHA. "SEO Muay Thai" is not a phrase I expected. I will box your search engine.
NGL, I kind of want to read about SEO Muay Thai now.
I'm tempted to fire back with "I'd like to pay $10 for that SEO Muay Thai article - I won't publish it, but I just want to read it, because I have no idea what the hell this is."
They likely wouldn't understand the not publish part, and throw a stink.
Yup. But hey, then I get to keep my $10, lol. "Why would you not publish my content?!" "... Because I don't believe in content. I just wanted tor read this for my own enjoyment."
They're either literally not reading your responses or they think you're doing a bit. I mean. You ARE doing a bit, but not in a "just kidding" way.
Yup. It's very much a bit - I don't expect them to pay up, but I also DO expect them to pay up every one of those $40 million if they're going to publish whatever they want and sully our reputation.