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Trans (She/Her). Bookish, chronically unwell weirdo into extremely shouty music. No TERFS or Nazis at all.
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Happy Trans Awareness Week! #NOH8
Sorry not to be around much Hope everyone is ok?
I really can’t think of a time in my life I wanted to spend my days doing forms, calls and meetings less than now, since mum died
I haven’t mentioned this here yet, as I wanted to make sure that my cousins were aware, but as some of you already know, my mother died on Thursday
Reminder that large cat accounts are often out to get large numbers of followers so that they can then sell the account to some slimy alt-right YouTuber/TikToker/Twitch streamer who will then claim they are more popular then they really are. is not one of these accounts
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Reskeet to scare a transphobe
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Three stages of eepy. Postcard from my collection, mailed 1912.
I’m probably 15 - 20 years older than anyone else here But fuck it My youth was stolen from me I’m reclaiming it Like it or not
Gone to the pub because week sucked and I need to blow off steam It’s s bit dead tonight but oh well
Toy post I mainly collect He-Man Origins
This heat is bad for my dysphoria
I had a grief couselling session this morning Mum is still hanging in, but only just Was a helpful session I already knew *most* of what he said, but somehow easier to accept from an unbiased source than from myself or close friends, who are biased in my favour
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I see Mattel Creations are releasing Lady Slither Origins Hope to get one. I did get their latest drop - Fang-Or - but he sold out within roughly 90 minutes, which is a bit concerning
Mostly listening to new Celestial Sanctuary
Elon Musk admitting that the damage he has inflicted to Twitter was driven by hatred of “woke mind virus” that allegedly turned his kid trans
Went to the park today Was called “a perverted little ladyboy” on the way home Back in rock bar, awaiting Iron Maiden tribute Band
Someone I know from my old life added me elsewhere recently Just looked at his account Racism, homophobia, transphobia, NSBM promotion Fucking BLOCKED I know him more than just in passing too. Quite well, in fact I don’t care Bye mate
At one point on Twitter, I had a few thousand followers. Mostly trans accounts. I had a number of Big Trans Accounts following me. I was getting followers every day and my account was getting bigger daily Didn't like it. Sorry Don't want it back. Sorry Don't want the Bigot Brigade to notice me
I see the annoying as shit Follow/Unfollow, please notice me thing has carried over
I'll probably stop listening to this on a loop soon 2057 is "soon", right?
Shout Out to Record Collector Magazine and Diamond Publishing who made it impossible for me to cancel my subscription, and now that they have the renewal sub, have essentially told me to eff off and and are treating it like it's not their problem and like I'm just being entitled
Any of my friends not gay already?
I am reluctant to try AirPods (aside from Max) because years ago I found that my friends earbuds continually fell out of both my ears, if I did *anything* but sit bolt upright, staring straight ahead. If I moved *at all*? Pop. Right of of my ear. Both ears. I wonder if they are better now?
Re-watching the last Apple "special event", your headphones/earbuds will quieten if *you start speaking to someone in front of you* Not, as I had thought, *if someone in front of you starts speaking to or yelling at you* Good. My social anxiety feels much better about that
HMRC would not phone your mobile as an unknown number and then immediately have a robot start droning on without any proof that they know who you are or where you live Hilariously incompetent scam