Sam Levin

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Sam Levin

Guardian senior reporter
The "terrifying, dystopian" reality of the Supreme Court's homelessness decision: •More cities will attempt total bans on unhoused people •More tickets, fines + jail time for people with no options •Mass displacement into remote "camps" •increased homelessness
‘Terrifying and dystopian’: the dark realities of the supreme court’s homelessness Sara Rankin, a law professor cited in Sotomayor’s dissent in the Oregon case, warns more cities will seek to banish the unhoused
Reposted byAvatar Sam Levin
San Bernardino sheriff initially claimed 15-year-old Savannah Graziano may have been shot dead by her father in a shootout with police. Now we have video revealing the truth: she was shot + killed by deputies while following their instructions to move toward them
Video shows California police fatally shooting teenager who was reported Revealed: Savannah Graziano, 15, shot by sheriff’s deputies in 2022 while unarmed and following instructions to move toward them
I spent time with the family of Ryan Gainer, 15-year-old killed by San Bernardino sheriffs. Ryan had overcome so much and was excited to turn 16 so he could learn to drive and better help his sick mom: “He was just a beautiful soul. He saw the good in everyone”
‘A talented, goofy kid’: family of Ryan Gainer, autistic teen killed by police, speak Shooting of 15-year-old ‘beautiful soul’ in California revives scrutiny on law enforcement abuse of youth with disabilities
Reposted byAvatar Sam Levin
Reposted byAvatar Sam Levin
Fantastic, albeit frustrating reporting from about how rampant sexual abuse is in prisons, and how one inmate was actually charged with extortion & sent to solitary, because she was sexually assaulted by a guard.
A prison guard confessed to sexual misconduct. He got a year of paid time off and no Records obtained by the Guardian show women in California prisons routinely report abuse, but few officers face consequences
Reposted byAvatar Sam Levin
Latest: I spent time talking with the father of Marsiah Collins, who was killed at a Sweet 16 massacre in Alabama. He spoke of his son's stolen future, the cruelty of US mass shooting news cycles + how the media ignores Black victims “There is a sickness in this country."
Father of teen killed in Alabama mass shooting: ‘America is tearing itself down’ After a Sweet 16 shooting killed four Black youth, Martin Collins searches for answers and fights to keep his son’s name alive
For some inexplicable reason, I thought this app was pronounced blue-ski until corrected me.
End of feed.