Samuel Bagg

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Samuel Bagg

Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of South Carolina. Democratic Theory. The Dispersion of Power, in press with OUP, expected release January 2024
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Exciting news: for a limited time, the e-book edition of The Dispersion of Power is available for only $9! It's already cracked Amazon's top 100 "Political History" e-books (right between Rachel Maddow and Nancy Fraser). Hop on the bandwagon and get your copy now!
Looking forward to welcoming to Münster today to discuss his book "The Dispersion of Power" and a new working paper.
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Today we start reading and discussing fabulous new book "The Dispersion of Power" in my seminar on Contemporary Democratic Theory. We are looking forward to the "Author Meets Students" with Sam in Münster next month!
So grateful for the incredibly generous comments from Anna Jurkevics, Mark Warren, Alex Kirshner, and about my book at an Author-Meets-Critics session at WPSA yesterday. And to Temi Ogunye for chairing and snapping a photo!
Thanks to for inviting me to speak about democracy. I'm excited to spend the next couple of weeks in New Haven as a visiting scholar: if you're in the neighborhood, reach out!
We are honored and thrilled to welcome back to Yale for a couple of weeks. This morning, he delivered a presentation of his new book, The Dispersion of Power.
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We've got some fantastic political theory events lined up this semester. 6 theory workshops and 3 book talks! Featuring, Annabelle Lever, Emanuela Ceva, Kieran Dunn,, Maxime Lepoutre,, , and Inés Valdez
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Now that it's official... Jonathan King (WVU) and I are beyond excited to announce that we received a National Science Foundation grant to study judicial collegiality! Want to know more? Scope out the thread below!
Book (pre-)release event last night was a great success! Thanks to USC Humanities and All Good Books for hosting, and to the crowd packing the room!
Honored that The Dispersion of Power was included by my favorite blog on their list of the most anticipated books of 2024!
Today, the Blog brings you its most anticipated books of 2024. Next week: our least anticipated federal elections of 2024.
The LPE Blog’s Most Anticipated Books of Twelve titles that the Blog's editors can't wait to read in the months to come.
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Will be essential reading for democratic theorists and many others #polisky
It's finally happening. My book has a webpage! And a release date! You can pre-order it! You probably shouldn't, given the price, but if you have a library (or rich uncle), tell them to buy it for you: in UK (Jan 4) or in US (Mar 4)
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There have been many strangely abstract appeals for "realism."  Sam's book demonstrates concretely how to be a realist, while maintaining democratic hope. In an account both subtle and bracing, he focuses on the dangers of concentrated private power and shows how to organize countervailing powers.
It's finally happening. My book has a webpage! And a release date! You can pre-order it! You probably shouldn't, given the price, but if you have a library (or rich uncle), tell them to buy it for you: in UK (Jan 4) or in US (Mar 4)
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Looking forward to this...
It's finally happening. My book has a webpage! And a release date! You can pre-order it! You probably shouldn't, given the price, but if you have a library (or rich uncle), tell them to buy it for you: in UK (Jan 4) or in US (Mar 4)
Reposted byAvatar Samuel Bagg
I can say with confidence that this will be (and actually, already is) an incredibly significant contribution to democratic theory. An amazing book!
It's finally happening. My book has a webpage! And a release date! You can pre-order it! You probably shouldn't, given the price, but if you have a library (or rich uncle), tell them to buy it for you: in UK (Jan 4) or in US (Mar 4)
It's finally happening. My book has a webpage! And a release date! You can pre-order it! You probably shouldn't, given the price, but if you have a library (or rich uncle), tell them to buy it for you: in UK (Jan 4) or in US (Mar 4)
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It is time. To the ramparts, comrades.
End of feed.