Sandeha Lynch

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Sandeha Lynch

#Europa, #Earth
MSc, BA Hons, PGCE - Photographer/Sculptor, Language/Literacy, IT/FR, Atheist, PR. He/they.
Video on camera mods and builds:
Seven of Questions #Photography A man in a banana-pyjama suit in January in a Swansea street, Wales, 2011. Pentax MZ5n and Fuji Neopan 400.
Hands up if you remember this Private Eye cover from 1968.
I made Austrian Vanilla Kipferl today, but no photos as my friend took (90% of) them away with her as it's her birthday in a few days. Contentment is not expensive.
Seven of Questions #Photography The mannequins and the dresser. Bologna, Italy, 2014. Leica M2 and Kodak Tri-X.
Seven of Questions #Photography Street hoarding with graffiti: °el último hombre° - P. P. Pasolini. Taken in Montevideo, Uruguay, 2010. Pentax MZ5n and Fuji Neopan 400.
Seven of Portraits #Photography Debbie, Wales, 2012. Surveyor II and Era 100.
Seven of Portraits #Photography Malc, Wales, 2011. Rolleiflex 2.8F and Fuji Acros.
Seven of Portraits #Photography Iz, England, 2011. Pentax MZ5n and Fuji Neopan 400.
Seven of Portraits #Photography Simone and Deborah, Italy, 2011. Rolleiflex 621 and Fuji Neopan 400.
Seven of Portraits #Photography Jorge, Uruguay, 2010. Pentax MZ5n and Fuji Acros.
Seven of Portraits #Photography Charlotte, Wales, 2010. Bessaflex TM and Fuji Acros.
Had to be very careful with this one. Wordle 1,115 3/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟨🟩🟩🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
So ... the word I was looking for is 'audiation'. I rarely listen to music these days as I already have so much in my head. I just 'play' that.
It's true. And if, in 2010, we'd had PR, then UKIP and the BNP combined would have gained 5% of the votes, and perhaps seats. But they'd have been exposed, scrutinised, and, most likely, eventually binned, before we'd ever gotten near holding a referendum on the UK's place in the EU.
Let's have an honest conversation about the election result: No party should secure 63.2% of MPs on 33.7% of the popular vote. And that's as true for Labour as it was for the Tories.
Election 2024: This could be the birth of a powerful new electoral reform The election result might be wonderful, but it is not strictly tolerable.
Seven of Portraits #Photography Ahmed, Oman, 1998. Pentax MZ5 and Fuji Superia.
Seven of Ornament #Photography Glory to Hanuman: painted sculpture of Hanuman in a public square in Singapore, 2004. Pentax MZ-S and Fuji Neopan 400.
Seven of Ornament #Photography A day of celebration, with a mural of 'Mama Vieja y Gramillero' at the junction of Minas and Isla de Flores, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2010. Rolleiflex 621 and Fuji NPS 160.
What time does Sunak concede?
Seven of Ornament #Photography One last day of screaming - aka, two terracotta figures of Niccolò dell'Arca's 'Compianto sul Cristo morto' group in the church of Santa Maria della vita, Bologna, Italy, 2011. Pentax MZ5n and Fuji Acros.
To see out the old regime I am watching 'The Man in the High Castle' again. After all, things 'should' never be this bad again.
Seven of Ornament #Photography Decorative bronze nude figure by Ghiberti's studio on the casing of Andrea Pisano's doors on the south side of the Baptistry in Florence, Italy, 2012. Leica M2 and Fuji Neopan 400.
Seven of Ornament #Photography Carved wooden totem figure at the zoo in Singapore, 2004. Pentax MZ-S and Fuji Superia.
Seven of Ornament #Photography Small glass crystals ready for tiaras at a workshop in Wales, 2007. Pentax K10D.
Pretty cool - I now have a two-day streak. Wordle 1,108 6/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟩🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Seven of Ornament #Photography Student Officers of the Military Academy of Modena chatting with a Bersagliere veteran in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, Italy, 2014. Leica M2 and Kodak Tri-X.
Seven of Nudity #Photography NSFW - skin and body forms Dance Pose 2 in the studio, Wales 2015. Hasselblad 500C/M and Kodak TMX.
Seven of Nudity #Photography Standing model with hands joined, studio, Wales 2015. NSFW Mamiya C3 Meniscus and Kodak TMX.
The postal voting papers have arrived. Phew!
Wow, the Cuntservatives have unearthed a new-style targeted ad - the postcard! Addressed personally, it suggests I am likely to be ("people like you") a Reform voter! Apparently (so their attempts at logic (or is it humour?) run), if I vote for Reform, I will only be 1/2