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Child advocate, peace and climate activist, bishop and monk; legal name is Santa Claus; former Mayor Pro Tem of North Pole, Alaska. I believe that the greatest gift is love :-)} ( (
BELOVED "Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly, your wholeness when you are broken, your innocence when you feel guilty, and your purpose when you are confused." ~Alan Cohen
~ REBELLION ~ SCOTUS now enables President Biden to direct USDOJ to charge, arrest & imprison Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett & Heritage Foundation's Roberts (Project 2025) & Trump for REBELLION. They should remain in prison without bond during their trials & appeals.
To crush the tyrant, niceness has no place, For fascists bow to power, not to grace. In brutal times, we can't be soft or meek, With steely resolve, we break the tyrant's streak. Our fury roars, our shouts must shake the ground, Against their rule, with fierce defiance bound. ~JB
FIREWORKS explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of all creatures. Many: Bees don't go back to their hives; Birds have panic attacks; Wild animals abandon dens; Fish perish eating debris; Companion animals have anxiety; Humans have PTSD. Please be aware. Thank you :-)}
SHAME ON NETANYAHU & HAMAS! You are killing children! My name, Santa Claus, comes from the Dutch expression, Sinterklaas, meaning Saint Nicholas - the Protector of Children. He would be appalled, as I am, by genocide and the targeted killing of vulnerable women and children. CEASEFIRE NOW!
HEY, DONNIE: SCOTUS just ruled President Biden has absolute immunity from prosecution for any official acts that fall within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority and is presumptively entitled to immunity for all official acts. Perhaps, Biden has read Project 2025. FAFO
Always leave people better than you found them. Hug the hurt. Kiss the broken. Befriend the lost. Love the lonely. (SpiritScience)
REMOVE ALITO & THOMAS from J6 CASES The DOJ & AG Garland can invoke 2 powerful textual authorities for this motion: the US Constitution, specifically the due process clause, & the federal statute mandating judicial disqualification for questionable impartiality, 28 USC Sect 455. ~US Rep Jamie Raskin
"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, and love of power." ~PJ O'Rourke
PREGNANCY BEGINS WITH A PENIS. LET'S REGULATE THAT. I am a longstanding advocate for child health, safety and welfare. Long before my Santa years, I decided to have a vasectomy, so that I would not be responsible for an unplanned pregnancy or abortion. Planned Parenthood :-)}
SENATE GOP MEETING: "Before we discuss raising taxes on the poor & middle class, adding $1 trillion to the deficit, taking health insurance away from 13 million, raising premiums by 10%, defending treason and swearing in a pedophile, let's begin with a prayer." ~Jack Ziegler, TNY
MEDICARE FOR ALL! NOT MEDICARE ADVANTAGE! Medicare Advantage is a scam that lines the pockets of for-profit, private health insurers with hundreds of billions of tax-payer dollars, created by a GOP-controlled Congress & President George W. Bush. Shameful! PROTECT & EXPAND MEDICARE & SOCIAL SECURITY!
PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 6-27-24 HOT AIR vs PROVEN POLICY President Biden: Inflation Reduction Act American Rescue Plan PACT Act for Veterans Bipartisan Safer Communities Act CHIPS and Science Act Bipartisan Infrastructure Law ExOs Protecting Reproductive Rights 9 million+ jobs added More health-insured!
Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking profits." Elect candidates who will establish an annual tax on the extreme wealth of the top 0.1 percent of US households with a net worth of over $32 million. Teach our children that greed is bad.
Louisiana requires that the Ten Commandments be posted in large, easily readable font in all public classrooms -- despite SCOTUS ruling in 1980 against a similar Kentucky law. Perhaps, originalists should post the earliest copy known (in Hebrew below). I BELIEVE IN SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
THIS: They didn't call the trillion-dollar Wall St. Bailouts 'Socialism'. They don't call nearly one-trillion in oil & gas subsidies 'Socialism'. They don't call the billions in farmer bailouts 'Socialism'. But, health care, wages, food for poor people? 'SOCIALISM!' ~Justin Kanew
WOMEN DO NOT HAVE TO: Be thin, cook for you, have long hair, wear make-up, be feminine, be graceful, have sex with you, shave, diet, be fashionable, wear pink, love men, listen to your bullshit... :-)}
The last time Americans voted for a Democratic Socialist as President, they elected him 4 times in a row. Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) = Emergency Banking Act, FDIC, New Deal, CCC, TVA, Social Security, NLRA, minimum wage, 40 hour work week, Allied Coalition, the 2nd New Deal, etc. VOTE PROGRESSIVE!
JUNETEENTH (6/19), celebrating the end of slavery in the U.S., was initially observed in Texas in 1866, after President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1862. President Biden declared Juneteenth a federal holiday in 2021, celebrating freedom and the triumph of the human spirit.
"I am convinced that the most serious and unaddressed worldwide challenge is the deprivation and abuse of women and girls, overwhelmingly caused by false interpretations of carefully selected religious texts and a growing tolerance of violence and warfare." ~Jimmy Carter
CHALLENGES FOR DISABLED FOLKS: More people are outside now, enjoying nicer weather. Many of us forget there are folks with disabilities, some of which are hidden. Please be kind... I like this U.K. bumper sticker: "I don't look disabled? You don't look like a twat. But there you go." :-)}
"Jesus was not killed by atheism and anarchy. He was brought down by law and order allied with religion, which is always a deadly mix. Beware those who claim to know the mind of God and who are prepared to use force, if necessary, to make others conform..." ~Barbara Brown Taylor
SCOTUS OKAYING BUMP STOCKS IS SHAMEFUL! "A gunman used assault rifles equipped with the accessory during the massacre of 60 people and wounding of more than 400 others at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas on 10-1-17: the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history." ~Common Dreams
Same-sex marriage is not gay privilege, it's equal rights. Privilege would be something like gay people not paying taxes. -- Like churches don't.
We must love, nurture & protect our children. The dynamic is love versus fear. Teach children to love. Draft, sponsor & pass legislation that requires: Universal background checks, Safe storage laws & Red flag laws. 32,000 deaths annually from firearms. Elect candidates who champion love, not fear.
I PAID FOR MY SOCIAL SECURITY Congress Members enjoy premium federal healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, 3 weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days... THAT'S 'welfare'. Yet, The GOP has the nerve to call my S.S. retirement an entitlement. SHAMEFUL!
ANOTHER GENTLE REMINDER: Some stranger, somewhere, remembers you,because you were kind to them. :-)}
Just a gentle reminder that I love you... "There are so many worse things than death. Not to be loved or not to be able to love: that is worse..." ~Cassandra Clare
"@*!!@ Liberals,.. They want to raise our wages, protect our jobs,.. have cheaper and better health care,.. safeguard Social Security and have a more livable environment... Sh.t, don't get me started." ~MAGA (arrogant, ignorant, reckless, and fearful). SHUT DOWN MAGA on 11-5-24!
-> Children should be able to view & explore wonders of nature, have clean water to drink, clear air to breathe, unadulterated food to consume, environmentally sound structures to inhabit & renewable energy sources to utilize. ~Santa Claus, Sierra Club Alaska
Majority of US Voters Back Legal Action Against Big Oil | Common A new poll shows public appetite for not just civil action but also criminal prosecution, and district attorneys are showing "real, serious interest" in the idea, one expert said.