
You cannot rally against the homogenisation of modern triple-A games AND insist that From Software needs to include an easy mode in their games. It's the same discussion. Either developers can be free to make games that don't appeal to the widest possible base, or they can't.
I'm always torn on this. From an accessibility standpoint, I can't make a good argument for not including an easy mode. But really the difficulty IS the fun, and having an easy mode seems like it would remove that. There are definitely some gatekeeping assholes around DS games though.
Easy mode isn't exactly an accessiblity feature. Accessibility is making a game that supports a variety of input methods and doesn't use visual language that is hard to interpret, among other things. A game can be difficult while being accessible.
Thank you! I hate this argument, Easy mode is an insult as an accessibility feature, str8 up "you are disabled so we assumed you couldnt enjoy challenges the way the we do" be so for real people
Exactly, these games are supposed to be difficult, that's the design and vision behind them. I doubt many disabled folks who are interested in souls-like games would be eager to play an 'easy' mode lol. They want to play the same game as everyone else.
Especially because elden ring is the most accessible game fromsoft has maybe ever made, sure there are some valid criticisms on certain things like nested menuing but even that is leagues better than so many other AAA games in the last 5 years.
It's a slow battle but many companies are improving their accessibility features. It's a night and day difference when you look back even just a few years like you said.