Sara Eileen

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Sara Eileen

Mixed media artist, mother of whirlwinds, dragon at large. ze/hir/hirs
I am on vacation with chosen fam until Friday, please direct all inquiries to the ocean.
Raising a non-verbal toddler has its challenges, of course, but little guy just clapped for the end of a song in Newsies and then handed me the remote control, the politest “I’m done with this now, Mama” ever delivered by a three year old.
Testing my mettle against the Forbidden Popsicle, aka taking my third COVID test in three days. I feel fine! I don’t have symptoms! But I’m going on vacation tomorrow and am feeling extremely paranoid!
Not Mad Max: Just Disappointed Road.
I’m having a lot of big splashy feelings and psychic movement lately, and I’m doing my best through this period of joyful destabilization, but I’m still me and therefore will still sometimes go, “Oh NO CATASTROPHE” when it is in fact just a little thing.
Graduating from couples therapy today is the closest I will ever come to getting a good grade in therapy.
Shout out to the fellow queer person who gave me a thumbs up at burlesque wrestling last night because they saw that we were also masking.
If y'all think I'm ever going to a convention again without a mask you are sorely mistaken. Not only is it protection from COVID, I have been Con Crud-free for years and I am not about to break that streak.
In my dream I paint the second layer on a canvas; my teacher says I ruined it but I say it’s just the beginning. My friend and I drive off road; we pass a broadcast booth with the door thickly painted shut, an echoing courtyard, a daycare where children generated by AI chase us like velociraptors.
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Sara yelled a bad joke at Helen from the kitchen and she yelled back, “You're not funny, Dad!”
Stopped myself mid-bite from eating the dill hummus in my son’s lunchbox, as I realized—horrorstruck—that I was about to digest something that went into AND CAME OUT OF a 3-K Pre-K classroom.
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When Caleb gets hungry, he walks into the kitchen, grabs a toddler food packet from a bowl on the counter, and walks back to the couch. But he can’t open the packet himself, so he just holds it until he forgets about it, then goes back to the kitchen for another one, still clutching the original.
Caleb was dancing on the couch, so on a whim I went looking for YouTube playlists of best dance music videos; now the kids are learning about Janet Jackson.
Feeling incredibly grateful today to have the time and resources to genuinely support my brilliant weirdo children and their brilliant weirdo minds.
Plantar fasciitis is a real kick in the teeth in a city where I walk everywhere every day. Currently really feeling my state as An Old, confined to supportive sneakers and Birkenstocks.
No cisgender lizard wears this outfit.
. has declared the “Spidey and his Amazing Friends” version of the Lizard a non-binary king.
Current status: took the day off, drinking a frozen margarita on Riis beach in a bikini.
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Today has been bright and nourishing.
Boomer dad love language is sending emails suggesting you open a custodial Roth IRA to capture the income from your kid’s lemonade stand.
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The meringue at Martha’s Country Bakery is grainy tonight, and as both a lover and a maker of meringue, I find this personally offensive.
Making my kids watch Guys & Dolls so they can understand where my New York accent comes from.
I have been given a number of incredible body gifts in the past year, and tonight I am enjoying one of them—a new love of spicy food—by dousing my dinner in chili oil.
On my way to see Hozier in concert. Have promised to come back.
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Helen calls the waitress over: “I want you to tell your …selves that the grilled cheese is very good.” “Aw, thank you, is it the best you’ve ever had?” “Well, they’re very good.”
Helen (age 7) thinks that They Might Be Giants should write a song called “After Some Casual Research” in which the band answers all of the questions they’ve asked in their previous songs. This is a great idea, someone please inform the Johns.
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There’s a ten year old running around this Rhode Island barbecue wearing a Yankees cap who is the bravest MFer on the planet.
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Yay it's my birthday! To celebrate, I'm opening my 3rd annual fundraiser at Teachers Pay Teachers, where I buy education materials for my amazing students all year round. Thanks for reposts, all 🥰
Support Becky | TPT ClassFund™ It's my birthday! Support my special learners!
Helen’s jiu jitsu program asks her to perform an act of community service before moving up a belt level. She decided she’s going to raise money for the World Wildlife Fund by selling her original paintings of “octopus art” at our family’s Memorial Day party this weekend.