Sarah Quinlan

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Sarah Quinlan

Today & I attended a service to mark the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Holocaust survivors & descendants spoke. I can’t stop thinking… we see antisemitism even w/Holocaust survivors & WWII heroes still w/us. How much worse will it get when none remain to share their stories?
Get you a girl who can do both.
“Grooming was so rampant that in a couple of cases, more than one educator targeted the same girl.” — from “The predators’ playground: Unraveling 40 years of sexual misconduct at a single California high school”
Always read
"Again and again, people say they intend to murder Jews. And yet, century after century, the world produces new, tortuous justifications for why anti-Jewish bigots don’t really mean what they say—even though they do."
What Hamas The straightforward explanation that the experts missed
“I am glad that he ran for, & won, a Senate term. He was an important voice, & he set an example. Interviewed in Dec. 2020, he allowed that he represented ‘a very small slice of the Republican Party today.’ You can imagine the gratitude of that slice.” YEP.
Mitt Romney in the Senate | National A personal appreciation.
It feels like there should be *non-stop* coverage by major outlets that Hamas killed at least 31 Americans and is STILL holding as many as 13 Americans hostages. Americans regardless of political party should be united in demanding Hamas release the hostages and return our citizens.
Watching some people on the left pretend not to know, or refuse to condemn the fact, that Rashida Tlaib actively spread misinformation — misinformation that has *global repercussions* — despite knowing the truth has made it real clear who wouldn’t stand up to a Trump in their own party.
It feels like there should be *non-stop* coverage by major outlets that Hamas killed at least 31 Americans & is STILL holding as many as 13 Americans hostages. Americans regardless of political party should be united in demanding Hamas release the hostages & return our citizens.
At the prayer service my husband & I attended on Saturday at a local synagogue, folks graciously invited us to tonight’s event, with Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin & Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney. Thankful for the opportunity to join and for our elected officials’ support of our Jewish neighbors.
This barbaric act of terror is an affront against humanity. This evil must be condemned and confronted overwhelmingly. Today we come together to demonstrate a spirit of unity… There cannot be peace where there is hate. - Gov. Glenn Youngkin
I reached out to local synagogues & was invited by one rabbi to attend their memorial/prayer service today. ✡️ I honestly was a little afraid to go because of concerns about violence, & I can't stop thinking that's what some people are made to feel on a regular basis, all because of who they are. 💔
Highly recommend this article on the truly incredible way a community radio station is empowering women in a rural Indian state: “Radio made us realize that we could bring real change… That we also have equal rights as men.”
How a Radio Station Is Empowering Women in a Rural With shows that encourage listener participation, a community radio station in the Indian state of Haryana is helping women overcome deeply patriarchal attitudes.
“While these chants and symbols may be deeply offensive & painful to many, govt officials should seek to use the law to protect rights, not feelings… Regardless of where you stand on the conflict today, the political winds may eventually shift and change. But your right to speak about it shouldn’t.”
Right now there is a lot of discussion around the social parameters of what *should* be said about what's happening in Gaza. But we need to pay attention to governments, like the UK and France, attempting to determine what *can* be said about it. Some thoughts at
Don’t Let Free Expression Become a Casualty of the Israel-Hamas Authorities in France and the U.K. are threatening to criminalize pro-Palestinian protests and chants, and some U.S. lawmakers are calling for censorship.
End of feed.