
A good rule for life is that anytime someone is trying to force you to make a quick decision when you don't actually need to, that person is trying to fuck you over as hard as possible.
This isn't just a contemporary political freakout subskeet, its about how human's process information and how you can short circuit it. There's a reason corrupt cops demand you confess now, why offers are always about to expire in ten minutes, etc. "Why don't I get time to think this over?"
Learned it the hard way at the first timeshare presentation I went to with my then-husband hoping for outback dinner coupons. Presentation ended at 11pm and then they were "look at this offer, we'll meet you halfway but only today, offer expires at midnight" we bought the damn thing :(
We'd been up since six am, were nervous about needing to get home and relieve my parents from babysitting, and hadn't ever been conned like that in the US before. Never made that mistake again. I managed to sell it for 10% of what we'd paid right before 2008 (whew).
Thinking on it a bit more, I think a timeshare scam is basically a perfect way to understand the current moment.
In what way? Want to make sure I understand it right.
Lots of really high pressure political bluster from people who want you to make a decision RIGHT NOW and won't stop selling you on it.
Yup. Job offers do this all the time too. Even the smartest people have trouble responding to a ton of information in a short timeframe. If someone refuses to give you the time to think something over, its because they're scared about what will happen if you get time to think.
That's a big part of why my knee-jerk response to any surprise decisions that must be made right now is "NO." My gf can say "Hey, we should go play mini-golf today!" I love mini-golf. I love my gf. I will still reflexively say "NO." Even harmless spontaneity requires at least 1 hour notice.
Another red flag is trying to make you scared.