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🤟My kids #DignityAndRespect #WeWillNotGoBack #ProWomen #BLM #LGBTQ; #RESIST #investing #FBR #Climate, #Cats, #Cannabis
The prodump woman on the Halftime panel is comical. Immediately Netflix gets western hip hop on for the MAGA takeover - LOL Wake up lady - it is all D J Conman and his zombies all the time for 4 days. The election when America will actually vote is over 4 MONTHS AWAY
The market suffers from magical thinking and short memories. Even in the past Republicans ruin the economy Dems have to clean up. The market and economy do better in Dem Admins But this time Trump will not just ruin the economy HE WILL DESTROY IT Magical thinking is infantile, GIVE IT UP.
Hey HALFTIME How can u say the economy has not grown? U need to look at the facts and not the con job u seem to believe. Trump will destroy the economy. The woman on the panel is stupid and shame on u. Trump will probably make u quit and go mop your husband's kitchen floor.
D J Shtface Conman would tell business ppl anything they wanted to hear Do they actually think he will follow through? Also, r u really saying we have not been innovative during the Biden admin?
How long do u think it will take for Vance to divorce his wife and have her deported? I have heard MAGA has rejected her, so I guess it won't be long at all
Is anyone else fighting a horrible fear 24/7? I am so scared, and I have a feeling of doom I cannot escape I would love to feel less alone with it, so if u r scared for our future can u reply, like, or retweet me? I think it would help all of us if we knew we were not alone
Anyone that does not want the RNC 24/7, try bloomberg I am watching a good interview with Christine Greer. She is actually speaking honestly. NO RNC
I really have no interest in attending the RNC convention so I guess MSNBC will not be on for a few days. I really doubt Fox News will all be docked at the Dem convention from start to finish. The zombies would try to eat them
Where have all the Dems gone? Hiding Making plans to leave the country before the coronation Somehow it would not surprise me if they were
If I did not have kids and cats counting on me I would plan my suicide party of one - for the day D J Shithead gets crowned King of The Disunited (but who cares) United States And I would be grateful to get the fk out. But I can't do that. I have to help my kids learn to live in their new reality
Everyone is acting like it is all over Coronate the D J King All morning on CNBC it is hard for them to contain their glee
I have not felt this alone in a long time I am fighting despair and utter terror I refuse to be paralyzed but wtf action can I take I feel if I do not dissociate, I won't be able to function. It is all too much
It is amazing how well this is working out for D J Conman It is all a little too "wag the dog" for me
Hey President Biden please be careful while u bend over to kiss King Trump's ass tonight in your speech U may think u are talking unity, but you will seal all our fates. We likely will not be seeking that unity under u. And this country will NEVER be unified under HIM
They report the dismissal of charges and move on to his running mate Wake up - it is over already U can take 6 months to catch on and tell me I am overreacting but OUR LIVES R OVER They will come for everything u have - EVERYTHING Read it yourself!
Do not waste a minute we have left of the freedom we have left. Like beautiful flowers in the spring, enjoy every day of your life until it is gone. But unlike flowers, our lives will likely be gone forever.
It is amazing how Dems actually seem to be taking the blame for this THIS MESS is HIS fault I did not pay taxes my whole life and was loyal I did not commit crimes. I am going to lose it all and leave a shithole country to my kids And there is not a DAMN thing I can do about it
I am as terrified as I have ever been He is going to get elected and we will be Russia I would never do it and I have never understood those ppl that kill themselves and take their family with them... until now. I want my kids to live in a free democracy. I am terrified 24/7 now
They even start reporting with - ALL EYES ON D J IDIOT I hate him, I wish he was dead and I am not afraid to shout it to the world We r so doomed
Look at this the attention is back on D J Liar - all channels all the time Wow amazing I wish mass shootings got this much attention
Why is MSNBC off the air? What is wrong with u, u just abandoned us? U drumbeat reasons to hate the man every day and u just disappear now! Jeez guys really bad look Wish I could just disappear from all of this too but unlike Rachel, I cant just get more money to pop in once a week
Kids get killed by a mass shooter and we move on 5 minutes later. That POS gets grazed and they elect him president He can threaten to deport millions but one guy says he wished they hadn't missed and they get fired We R terrified of this man! I will tell u I WISH THE GUY HAD NOT MISSED. FK this
I think they r all evil incarnate; frankly, my only feeling this morning is regretting that the guy missed.
D J Why did u turn your head - deserves what he gets The only problem with assassinating him is that the list is too long of people like him who need to go. U'ld have to shoot the heritage guy and 4 Supreme Court justices and I would just barely breathe easier after that.
If u r not an obedient zombie, what makes u think u won't end up in a concentration camp? U should have every reason to fear if President Biden and Dems up and down don't win, that your entire life could be gone. U could be sent to live in a camp because u r unwilling to be conforming zombie.
Donald Trump is a loser. He never once, not once, won an election legitimately He was convicted of 34 counts of election interference, and that's why he won 2016 Joe Biden saved us and i think it is up to us to make sure he saves us again #Biden/Harris24
I know I keep going back and forth but I am just one among many I think I will vote for the DEM no matter who it is We have to stop this the minute the RNC cultfest is over please.
Dear DEMS, When I arrived, my mom's care workers told me my family wouldn't let go. They were still forcing Costco vitamins down her throat and wouldn't give her morphine. I told my dad he had to sign a DNR and let go. It took courage to do that. They were too close to see what my mom needed. 💙
If u have not watched The Daily Show from Monday with Jon Stewart, I suggest u do! So fuking funny. We need to laugh. Reality doesn't change if u laugh at it, but u feel so much better