Save Standard Time

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Save Standard Time

Ditch Daylight Saving Time. Permanent Standard Time lets us sleep later for health, mood, safety, education, economy, and environment. We’re a 501(c)(4) nonprofit.
#OnThisDay in 1974: The US DOT asked Congress to repeal permanent DST (and North Carolina’s Durham Sun concurred)! #DitchDST
Human health needs more sunlight during the day, and more darkness at night. Ditch Daylight Saving Time, restore permanent Standard Time! #DitchDST
Ditch Daylight Saving Time—for families, workers, everyone! #4thOfJuly #July4th #IndependenceDay
Ohio State Senate is considering permanent Daylight Saving Time, would put sunrise past 8am for 4 months, as late as 9am. Tell legislators to amend to permanent Standard Time for health and safety! #DitchDST #OHLeg
Ohio Senate Hearing on Permanent DST (2024 June 25) 👉 Click here to tell your state legislators to ditch Daylight Saving Time! 👉 Click here to tell your Congress members to ditch Daylight Saving Time! On June 25, the Ohio Senate Committee on General Government heard testimony from the authors of HCR 7, Representative Rodney Creech (R-40) and Representative Bob Peterson (R-86). This resolution seeks to urge Congress to mandate permanent Daylight Saving Time (fast time) nationwide. This would push Ohio’s sunrise past 8am for more than four months, later even than 9am. All nonprofits and most newspapers to comment on this issue oppose DST and endorse instead permanent Standard Time (natural time). Unlike permanent DST, permanent Standard Time is federally pre-approved, it historically has the most lasting public support, and it does not darken mornings or force earlier start times. No public testimony was permitted during this hearing, and no vote was held. 0:00 Committee Chair Senator Shane Wilkin (R-17) calls the resolution. 0:36 Rep Creech speaks for his resolution. 4:19 Rep Peterson speaks for his resolution. 5:57 Ranking Member Senator Bill DeMora (D-25) asks questions. 8:35 Sen Wilkin closes the hearing. More information about this legislation is on its official webpage: 🌞 History and science show permanent Standard Time (natural time) is best for health, mood, safety, education, economy, and liberty. Urge lawmakers in Congress and in your state or province to ditch Daylight Saving Time (fast time) and to restore permanent Standard Time!
Ohio: Tell state legislators NO on HCR 7. Permanent DST would put sunrise past 8am for 4 months, to 9am. Amend to permanent Standard Time for health/safety. 👉 Email Committee Chair Senator Shane Wilkin: [email protected] #OHLeg #DitchDST
#OnThisDay in 1965, Congress had several bills to unify Daylight Saving Time schedules, which conflicted across 15 states and across countless cities in 16 more states. #DitchDST #History
#OnThisDate in 1965, Nebraska’s governor opposed a state legislator’s proposal to adopt Daylight Saving Time.
After WWI, Congress repealed but did not prohibit Daylight Saving Time. Some cities re-instituted it, leading newspapers to print notices in both Standard Time and DST. #History #DaylightSavingTime
Three years after Congress prescribed nationwide #DaylightSavingTime six months annually, bills were filed to limit DST to the three months between #MemorialDay and Labor Day, to reduce harm to schoolchildren and farmers. #History
In 1971, a bill was filed in Congress to limit Daylight Saving Time to the three months between Memorial Day and Labor Day, to reduce DST’s harm to schoolchildren and farmers. #MemorialDay #History #DaylightSavingTime
California Senate approves the amended SB-1413. Originally filed by Senator Niello to #DitchDST, #DitchTheSwitch, and restore permanent Standard Time, it was amended by committee only to study energy effects of such action. It next goes to #CALeg Assembly.
California Senate Vote on Permanent Standard Time Study (2024 May 23) 👉 Click here to tell your state legislators to ditch Daylight Saving Time! 👉 Click here to tell your Congress members to ditch Daylight Saving Time! On May 23, the California Senate voted on SB-1413, authored by Senator Roger Niello (R-6, Fair Oaks). This bill originally sought to exempt the state from Daylight Saving Time (fast time) and to restore permanent Standard Time (natural time). It was filed with a companion bill in the California Assembly, AB-1776, authored by Assemblyman Tri Ta (R-70, Westminster). The bill was amended by the Senate Energy Committee to add a study of any short-term effects on energy usage that might related to permanent Standard Time. The bill was next amended by the Senate Appropriations Committee to remove the bill’s original purpose of ditching DST, making it only a study bill. During this floor reading, no debate was raised, and the bill was approved by a vote of 33–1–6. 0:00 The bill is called. 0:18 Senator Niello speaks for the bill. 2:16 No debate is raised. 2:24 Vote proceeds. 4:33 The vote is called, the bill is approved. More information about this legislation is on its official webpage: 🌞 History and science show permanent Standard Time (natural time) is best for health, mood, safety, education, economy, and liberty. Urge lawmakers in Congress and in your state or province to ditch Daylight Saving Time (fast time) and to restore permanent Standard Time!
#OnThisDate in 1922, Daylight Saving Time was debated on Washington DC radio. Thomas Rhodes argued DST robs from us every morning “the sweetest hour of sleep one can have”. #SleepHealth #DitchDST #OTD
Eastern Daylight Time is more than 1½ hours ahead of mean solar time in Knoxville, Tennessee. Ditch Daylight Saving Time! #DitchDST
Pennsylvania can ditch Daylight Saving Time this year! Tell your #PALeg state legislators YES on HB 312 to #DitchDST. Click here:
Chicago has gained more than 5½ hours of daylight since Christmas—all by nature and none by Daylight Saving Time. #DitchDST
California (#CALeg) Senate’s Energy Committee and Appropriations Committee have rewritten SB-1413. Originally filed to #DitchDST, #DitchTheSwitch, and restore permanent Standard Time, in 2024, at no cost—it would now only *study* Daylight Saving Time, in 2027, for $600,000.
New Hampshire’s permanent Daylight Saving Time bill is defeated! Filed for permanent Standard Time, amended by the house to permanent DST, HB1075 is shelved by the senate amid confusion and concern. #NHLeg #DitchDST
New Hampshire Senate Committee Vote on Permanent Daylight Saving Time (2024 May 8) 👉 Click here to tell your state legislators to ditch Daylight Saving Time! 👉 Click here to tell your Congress members to ditch Daylight Saving Time! On May 8, the New Hampshire Senate Committee on Executive Departments and Administration discussed and voted on HB1075. This bill was originally filed by Representative Timothy Horrigan (D) to restore permanent Standard Time (natural time)—as is supported by federal law, the lessons of history, and the consensus of science. Representative Sherry Gould (D), acting through the house committee, amended the bill to seek permanent Daylight Saving Time (fast time)—which is opposed by law, history, and science. The house approved the amended version without debate via voice consent along with a hundred other bills. Prior to this meeting, the committee heard testimony for and against permanent DST and permanent Standard Time. On this date, the committee voted to recommend referral to interim study, which may signal the bill’s imminent defeat. 0:00 The bill is called for discussion. 0:29 Committee Chair Senator Howard Pearl (R) expresses his doubts. 1:14 Vice Chair Senator Sharon Carson (R) expresses her doubts too. 2:16 Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka (D) expresses her sympathies. 2:52 Committee votes for referral to interim study with consent. More information about this legislation is on its official webpage: 🌞 History and science show permanent Standard Time (natural time) is best for health, mood, safety, education, economy, and liberty. Urge lawmakers in Congress and in your state or province to ditch Daylight Saving Time (fast time) and to restore permanent Standard Time!
Daylight Saving Time forces early waking. Standard Time lets us sleep later for health! #DitchDST #NaturalHealth
Michigan can ditch Daylight Saving Time this year! Tell your #MILeg state legislators YES on SB 770 & HB 5566 to #DitchDST. Click here:
Boston has now gained 5½ hours of daylight since Christmas, all by nature and none by Daylight Saving Time. #DitchDST
Thanks to the Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy for endorsing permanent Standard Time as the best year-round clock! #DitchDST #Health 🙌 Read more about the AHDA on their website:
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Even in Maine, Standard Time is closer to the sun (and to our body’s natural rhythms) than Daylight Saving Time is. #SaveStandardTime #DitchDST #NaturalTime
Pennsylvania can ditch Daylight Saving Time this year! Tell your #PALeg state legislators YES on HB 312 to #DitchDST. Click here: