
So! I love popsicles, but they’re too sweet for me. I’ve always thought savory popsicles should be more of a thing, so here’s my go with something (very Canadian) that I loved: ketchup popsicles! They’re actually 80% tomato juice & tomatoes are a fruit, so you could just call them tomato popsicles.
They’re soooo good! Just make sure you get a good brand of low sodium tomato juice, and NOT Campbell’s. (I use the store brand from Sprouts and it’s perfect.) The amount of sodium in Campbell’s tomato juice is practically toxic.
The 20% ketchup content is there for a little bit of sweetness and some tanginess, but I have to admit calling them ketchup popsicles is more fun just to see the looks of horror on people’s faces. 😆
That’s definitely absolutely hilarious hahaha! If you want the opposite reaction, you could also call them Bloody Mary popsicles haha
Haha, that’s been suggested! We would add gin to them ourselves, because we prefer a Red Snapper. It would be tricky to add enough to be able to taste it without so much that it would prevent it from freezing solid, though. That would call for a bit more research.
Oh I’m all about the mix and accoutrements themselves, not the alcohol, so virgin Bloody Mary is more than good enough for me 😂
My own don’t-forget-to-add ingredient is celery salt!
Absolutely stunning in a Martini, and there are some very old-time cocktail recipes that call for it, like The Fourth Regiment — a 1:1 rye Manhattan with Peychaud’s, orange, and celery bitters. #Cocktails
Fourth Regiment The Fourth Regiment cocktail is a Manhattan-like recipe made with celery bitters, orange bitters and Peychaud's.
This is making me excited about trying some tasty mocktails too! I’m all about the unique flavors and complex layers/notes!