
The capitalist consolidation behind Trump is producing some wild quotes.
They're really trying to go for a Business Plot II, aren't they? Just because they don't want to pay taxes and abide by even the most threadbare of regulation.
They didn't become abominably rich so that someone else could tell them what to do. Why, all this money should mean they can do whatever they like to whomever they want.
They also seem to think that they can control Trump, or that he won't get in their way. German elites made that same gamble and lost about 90 years ago.
You'd think they'd learn from the mistakes of others, but some of these yahoos think they've had a brilliant idea when they use the toilet.
They are convinced that the mistakes of the 20th Century were made because the people who made them were merely incompetent; not that what was attempted was inherently doomed to failure. Today's elites truly believe that they'd succeed where their predecessors failed.
Absolutely! Economic theories are nice, but in the end it all comes down to Accounting. The last time the economy became top-heavy it collapsed bringing about the Great Depression.