
People act like OSHA is this gang of fun-haters who make up stupid rules to make their jobs annoying. Literally every single regulation OSHA has ever written was in response to someone getting maimed; usually killed, but sometimes merely losing a limb or two. Occasionally breathing corrosive gas.
It's the Don't Make Us Make A Rule About You Administration. It's unbelievable what people will do or be made to do without reasonable guidelines in place.
Can't blame this one on Generational ANYTHING. The opposition to OSHA has always come from two places: the the foremen who preferred expending workers rather than purchasing ladders and PPE, and the uneducated who were taught that the regulators are somehow harmful to the common worker.
(Spoiler Alert: The people teaching the uneducated workers were working for the foremen.)
i agree mostly but id put the blame more on managers than on foremen, who, at least where i’ve worked, act as a diplomat between workers and management more than acting as budget hawks
The second best safety talks are those given by foremen who've had someone on their team die or be badly injured. The best are given by guys in wheelchairs.