Brian Scaman

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Brian Scaman

Beaverton, Oregon.
Architectural technologist
Dog lover, cat, birds
Loves all kinds of animals..
Loves hiking, camping, golf, sightseeing, book worm, hockey, travel, beach etc
Late post, but happy 4th of July everyone 😊. I know you all had an amazing and wonderful day right 😁
A simple act of kindness matters a lot, because you can actually save a life without knowing it. So just try and help whenever you're in the position to and trust me someone will always return the favor whenever you need help too 😌
You just got to love them, humans best friends forever. I don't know why anyone would want to hurt them please everyone let's protect dogs and every other animals from human cruelty..
Let's not forget about the adorable dogs that are being hurt and maltreated everyday by human dog bullies, it should stop dogs also feel pains like us.
I have no doubts that dogs care for humans more than humans care for humans, it's nothing but the sad truth.
I really wish all stray dogs get adopted into their forever homes, they deserve better ❤️
Let's learn to help each other without hoping for anything in return..
If only we all could care for each other, the world would've been a better place for us all 😊
End of feed.