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She / Her Transition date 15 August 2019. Making a fresh start. Paid for by the Rainbow Mafia. Legally declared Cottage Gore Milf and lover of
Well, I haven't talked about in on the feed in a while. How is the weight loss going? Erm, not great. I hit a plateau about 2 months ago and i have been stuck at my current weight. 18.1 Stone or 115KG for those who use sensible measurements. I have been reciving a lot of help from the doctor
Reposted byAvatar Scarlett
I’ll be really pissed if my last months before trump does everything in his power to end my country for good will be spent without electricity, just uselessly sleeping and reading books all day. Can I at least finish some artworks please, so then there’s something left of me?
Custodes but they are themed after the knight of the round table and other similar mythologies and such God i love this idea. plus it gives me a direction for the small 1000 point of custodes i have had for years but never built lmao
i thought i was getting better, i hadn't had a pain flare up in so long. but not only have i had the worst one in a while it has spread to my arms. it has never done that before. I know my condition is somewhat frustraiting cause we can't find the source of it. but fuck everything the doc tells me
I spent way too long on this. and i had to cut so many of my fave blorbos
Ya girl has her ADHD assement on the 1st of August!
Like, imma be real for a sec, and this might get me some hate. But when you build you hole political candidacy on expressing lies and violence to your enemies, such as mexicans, immigrants, the nebulous "THE LEFT" and diminishing your oppoents political violence, like he did when naci poliskis
Done all the initial highlight layers for the skin Now I gotta work out how to blend it all together
Day one of the golden demon project. It's all planned out. Making my starting layers
God, i am torn between which entry for Golden Deamon I wanna try. Large Single model, Or diorama
So i have gotten a full program by one of the specalist groups i am seeing to help me with mobility, pain wegihtloss etc. And It's set into 3 levels of intensity. I did only level 1 stuff and fuck i hurt
Me bitching about Semtics in word choice: Me: Look i got an A Level In Lit and Language, I am just being semantic Jack: I have multiple A Levels in Maths Me: Ah so you too specialise in Letters Jack: I hate that you are right
For completely secret reasons, what is y'all fave psyker on the table top? (That isn't a primarch)
This has taken way too much effort to make this look better
I think after seeing Squidmar's Most recent video. I kinda wanna do a gold deamon entry. Like. Knowing going in i wont get a daemon, but it would be neat to try super fucking hard, and maybe get a pin? Or at least some good feedback
I think this year I could make a pretty comprehensive video on how I really started enjoying the hobby side of warhammer (painting and mdoeling) I'd call it, ScarlettNovella or: How I Learned To Stop Seeking Perfection and Learned to Love The Brush
Changing ya mental health meds is always exciting. Especially on ADHD too. Cause damn. I can't focus on anything today at all. I just want to do anything but can't bring myself to do it
My entry for this months #Nerdlings contest Theme was water effects so I themed the bass as a swarmlord breaking the guards line of defence. Blood, goods and grosesness
It's not painted do a bit to go, but this might be my best scenic base I have ever made #Nerdlings
God one big thing about the tyranid changes is that it makes me wanna run so many different units. Aaaaah i need more points
So because of some stress last week due to world events, life events etc. I took a break on my diet to enjoy some comfort food, Have a couple take out meals and a bit of snacky food. And it's only been like 6 days and i feel so sickly. I have dieted so long the way i used to eat doesn't work
After a bit of saving and digging to find a case seller in the UK i finally have a really good carry case! Now i can actually move my army on my back so i can use my cane to like, you know, walk, and go up stairs and shit <3
To be frank, it should have been obvious i would grow up to be anti capatalist. I played so much Spyro and money bags demanding my money, only to beat the shit out of him in the third game and get my money back. The signs were there
So i played warhammer tonight. and my fuck i rolled so many 2's and 1's throughout the whole game i must have set a record for failed rolls. Like it was CONSITENTLY like my average dice roll was a 2. and its not even post loss saltyness, even said that was some bullshit.
Huh, my demon vulkan conversion has gotten 500 likes on my tiktok. Neato
god the ADHD assessment can't wait. It's somepoint between now and the end of August, but fuck i could really do with the meds to focus on any task
So i was really tired last night, and a bit delirious, so i sugggest to Jack in our usual snuggle chats, that GW should make one of the primachs trans. Not for Diversity, but because it would be funny. So i said Guilliman should transition, just double down on the lesbian relationship with yvrane.
i think i have been a victim of some pretty heavy misinformation, a lot of the anti trans stuff that we have seen about labour, is not as bad as we initally thought, with a lot of lack of context or miss-reporting buy our delightful UK media. Is it perfect, no. But, fingers crossed, there might
there is a lot of mixed news today, but this here is objectively one of the best bits :P