Pessimistic Scorpio 🦂

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Pessimistic Scorpio 🦂

Oklahoma, Neurodivergent Warrior!
Trump should be the easiest person to beat. He is a scumbag who acts like a scumbag.
The only hope I have left is maybe the next life will be better.
If you are still on Twitter you are part of the problem!
Being neurodivergent isn't a weakness or a handicap, it's the next step in evolution! Just like homosapiens over took the neanderthals, our time is coming very quickly. Either Gen Z or Gen Alpha will be the first majority neurodivergent generation.
Being neurodivergent is not a handicap or a mental illness. What it really is is trying to function in a world that is so unjust, cruel, bigoted and ran by men who have zero qualifications. This world is so upside down we can't make it make sense. That time is coming to an end!
So at what point do we realize the big divide in this country is not Republican vs Democrats, but instead it's the neurodivergent vs mouth breathing assholes who have no inner monologue! I'll let you decide which is which.
Follow me, I follow back. Interests include Politics(Democrat) Cryptocurrency College Football(boomer sooner) Autism Awareness I really hope this is better than Shitter, I mean Xitter lmao.
End of feed.