Memoirs of a Failed Fabric Softener Bear

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Memoirs of a Failed Fabric Softener Bear

Just here for the opening band.

I've been posting a lot of pro wrestling stuff lately, so if you're not into pro wrestling, you may want to mute this emoji, especially on Wednesdays and weekends ----> 🤼‍♂️
Wow, they really fast-tracked the hell out of putting a belt on Ethan Page, didn't they? Not that Ethan isn't great on his own, but that old Brandi promo about signing Ethan to try to get to Josh comes to mind, especially considering whatever the hell WWE's trying to do with TNA... 🤼
The set-up and finish to the Collision main event was like a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode. The only thing they didn't pay off was Kip. (Yet.) Also, who (aside from Kip) remembers Hanger beating Kip at whatever year 1 event that was, and that kinda being the beginning of where Kip is now? 🤼‍♀️
Show was a little chaotic, but I was entertained, and hope everyone (especially Riho and that cameraperson) made it out OK! I swear, if they make Kip Sabian the person who finally takes down Christian... (I'm never gonna give up on them figuring out what to do with Kip.) Fun night, all! 🤼‍♀️
Jay and Hanger are tearing shit up here. 🤼‍♀️
Takeshita/Billington next week, holy shit! 🤼‍♀️
For someone who's gonna die, Jay's making this match a happening. 🤼‍♀️
That spot on the steps was innovative in that "holy shit, that looked painful" kinda way. And now Hanger's working on his latest attempt to break the Muta Scale. 🤼‍♀️
In case I wasn't clear: I wasn't crapping on either Riho or Lady Frost. I was just trying to figure out why two very good wrestlers who I love weren't clicking. Bad nights do happen, though, for all kinds of reasons. I hope they're both OK, and I hope they don't catch any shit for the match. 🤼‍♀️
Yeah, there were miscalculations happening in that one. It's not for lack of trying, they both worked their asses off, but it got weird. I hope they're both OK. 🤼‍♀️
What's not working about this match? It's looked a couple times like they're not clicking, timing's off or something. 🤼‍♀️
If you'll forgive me paraphrasing someone I talk a lot of shit about these days, that match was bowling shoe ugly, but very good at the same time. They blew a great opportunity to help make a new star, though. No one's gonna remember Claudio winning, but everyone would remember Mortos winning. 🤼‍♀️
Schiavone shouting out Jimmy Valiant, who, some of you may remember, on Saturday Turner broadcasts long ago, was the face in a feud that started when he was racist toward Pez Whatley. 🤼‍♀️
Riho joins us on The Lady Frost Hour this week! 🤼‍♀️
Marko's backstage right now real happy that he fought the other guy with the goat mask. 🤼‍♀️
I was just wondering what'd happened to this guy. 🤼‍♀️
That was Kip Sabian? Also: if Christian saves Kip's career, he's the greatest wrestler of all time. 🤼‍♀️
From the other program on right now: Vince apologist John Cena retiring? Sure, Jan. 🤼‍♀️
Jerry Lawler's gonna come out to face Jack. 🤼‍♀️
Competitive match, at least. I love Toni, but Trish Adora rules. 🤼‍♀️
Now, we know Toni's over, but she's a little too over with this crowd, if you follow. 🤼‍♀️
We talk a lot about Lady Frost and this show lately, but can we please have a lot more Trish Adora, including possibly some wins, on this show, too? They ended up rushing Deonna/Rosa a little, so... Lady Frost/Trish Adora best-of-seven series! 🤼
Fun little match. I wish I could really enjoy Mark Briscoe in all of his Spongmonkeys-ness, but, well...🤼
Can they please go back to being Bear Country now? 🤼
I'm not a big MJF person, but no lies were told in that promo. 🤼