Scott Free

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Scott Free

Nerd stuff. Cosplayer. Lefty lawyer. Comics & comics criticism. Pointy eared jerk. Raging homo.

He/Him.🏳️‍🌈 🐶
People look at you like you’re insane when you tell them that you do not like celebrating your birthday, got to say
Stunning and brave for the GOP to run the first all “angry about my micropenis and making it everyone else’s problem” ticket in American history
There’s a 6’4” gay English guy who posts thirst traps in spandex, and as a 6’3” gay Irish guy who posts a lot of thirst traps in spandex, I am taking him popping up in my feed personally
Love how every Fire Island house just has at least one bad homoerotic print somewhere in the house. Like, hello knock-off Mapplethorpe in the bathroom. I see you.
New pre-workout might be the most disgusting thing I’ve put in my body in the past, like, five years, which is kind of impressive
Told my partner that if we have to move to Britain, he’s going to have get used to me suggesting a “cheeky Nando’s” after just absolutely freaky gay sex
I would have showed up to my proof of life press conference on time, but I’m just built different
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There are plenty of stories about Larry to point out his impact on the industry but this one from Christopher Priest really shows the environment he faced head on and how cool he was while doing it. One of those guys who deserves more than the comic industry has given them and just hope he can relax
Throwback to my old Namor cosplay. Something something fish
Please do not come to me for advice. I’m the mentally ill comic relief friend, not the serious advice friend.
Look, if Trump gets back in, I’m going to start smoking again. What am I preserving my lungs for? Dr. Oz’s FDA is going to say they’re good for you, anyways.
You wear a chain because it’s trendy on TikTok. I wear a chain because I’m a pervert in a complex psychosexual relationship. We are not the same.
Wore this to a Pride event, because I am nothing if not subtle.
His face when I’m hitting it from behind
Early stages of two D&D campaigns, and half the fun is seeing which complex unresolved psychological issues we’re trying to work out with our various characters
Went to the gym, please clap
VAL COOPER: The President wants to know if anyone on Freedom Force is actually heterosexual? MYSTIQUE: No. DESTINY: No. PYRO: Naur. AVALANCHE: No. BLOB: Yes. CRIMSON COMMANDO: No. STONEWALL: No. SUPER SABRE: No. VAL: *pinches nose* Reagan’s not going to like this.
My drow rogue the moment combat starts going badly for the party:
My gaming/Warhammer store is having a 40% off sale, and I saw nerds moving at speeds that our people are not normally used to achieving
Jacob Rees-Mogg gets to spend more time following his passion: being a minor villain in a Dickens novel.
My father, the Lord of Murder, used to give us a hard time sometimes, and he would say to us, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?”    You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.
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If your dog can vote you should take them into the polling station with you.
Honouring the Fourth of July holiday in a way the Founding Fathers would have respected (drunk Anglo-Irishman in a speedo talking over “Brat” at a man my gay husband and I want to have a ******** with)
“Scuttle away, lizard.” Aww, man, I think we’re gonna have to massacre the Thieves Guild, Durge. 😔
Voted by post for the Lib Dems, because seriously fuck the Labour Party
MONSTER HUNTER: “With a third cheesemonger gored and robbed of all his cheese, I now suspect that this village is facing a wererat.” VILLAGER: “Pff, everyone knows that ‘wererats’ are an invention of the woke media!” ME (disheveled, covered in blood and cheese, twitching): “Yeah, what he said!”
Got a haircut yesterday, then had a tasteful evening
Aleve, zyrtec, caffeine, my brain pills, prep, doxycycline, and an overpriced bottle of kombucha all in my body right now
I was going to post my pride party look from the weekend but vaguely horny posting feels kind of weird, what with *gestures broadly*