Scottish Greens

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Scottish Greens

For People. For Planet. 🌍
All posts are promoted by the Scottish Green Party, 19b Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5QN
💚 Thank you to all of the candidates, staff and volunteers who made this important campaign possible. 💚 And thank you to every person who put their trust in us and chose to vote like our future depends on it. Together we can and will build a fairer, greener Scotland.
🚨 We're into the final hour! 🪪 You need to bring photo ID ✉️ If you have a postal vote you can hand it in Polls close at 10pm. Don't let others decide your future. Vote like our future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
🚨 2 hours until the polls close! 🪪 You need to bring photo ID ✉️ If you have a postal vote you can hand it in Don't miss your opportunity to have your say. Vote like our future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
🚨 3 hours left to vote! 🪪 You need to bring photo ID ✉️ If you have a postal vote you can hand it in Until 10pm today is your opportunity to send a clear message. So vote like our future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
🚨 The polls are open for 4 more hours! 🪪You need to bring photo ID ✉️If you have a postal vote you can hand it in Make your voice heard. Vote like our future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
🚨 The polls are open for 5 more hours! 🪪You need to bring photo ID ✉️If you have a postal vote you can hand it in Until 10pm today is your chance to send a clear message. So vote like our future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
🚨 The polls are open! 🪪You need to bring photo ID ✉️If you have a postal vote you can hand it in Until 10pm today is your opportunity to send a clear message. So vote like our future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
In 2016 nearly two thirds of Scottish voters backed Remain. Since then the margin has only grown. An independent Scotland could rejoin the EU, regain our individual rights as European citizens, and have our own seat at the table to work with our friends across the continent.
A Universal Basic Income would help reduce poverty and inequality while improving health and wellbeing. It could become a cornerstone of a social security system that offers safety and dignity to everyone. #VoteScottishGreens
Scotland's future must be for the people of Scotland to decide. Scottish Greens would devolve the power to hold constitutional referendums to the Scottish Parliament. #VoteScottishGreens
The next 5 years are crucial. Already around the world we're seeing the results of climate breakdown: floods, wildfires, droughts, and increased extreme wealther of every kind. That's why tomorrow we're asking you to vote like our future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
Scotland can be a modern, democratic republic with an elected and accountable head of state. We must be able to challenge power through the ballot box. Our head of state shouldn't be something people inherit like an old family heirloom. #AbolishTheMonarchy #VoteScottishGreens
Private jets are up to 14 times more polluting than commercial planes per passenger, and 50 times more than trains. Yet every year 90,000 private jets take off in the UK. A £1000 per head tax could deter private jet use and raise hundreds of millions to tackle the climate crisis.
Travelling by train should always be cheaper than flying. But in the UK that often isn't the case. 🚆 By cutting the price of rail travel and increasing the number of direct connections between cities we can make it cheaper, easier and greener to get around. #VoteScottishGreens
Don't buy the excuses. There's more than enough money in the UK to: 🟢 Fund public services 🟢 Scrap the two child benefit cap 🟢 Tackle the climate emergency #VoteScottishGreens and send a clear message: tax the rich to build a fairer, greener Scotland.
UK arms export criteria says a weapon can not be sold if there's a "clear risk" it might be used in a serious breach of International Humanitarian Law. Yet in 10 years the UK has licensed £500 million worth of arms to Israel. The human cost has been catastrophic. It must end.
Study after study has shown the benefits of a 4 day week to wellbeing, health, productivity and the environment. 🪁 The UK government should follow the evidence and work with trade unions and employers to normalise its implementation across the economy. #VoteScottishGreens
We now have indisputable and independent evidence in the public domain that Trump's business dealings, including those in Scotland, were linked to fraud. Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with money is able to buy whatever land and property they want without question.
Travelling by train should always be cheaper than flying. But too often in the UK that isn't the case. Scottish Greens would subsidise rail tickets by taxing aviation in a way that reflects the enormous impact it has on our climate. 🌍 #VoteScottishGreens
Travelling by train should always be cheaper than flying. But in the UK that often isn't the case. 🚆 By cutting the price of rail travel and increasing the number of direct connections between cities we can make it cheaper, easier and greener to get around the country.
Pride month may end, but our solidarity goes all year round. 🏳️‍🌈A comprehensive conversion practices ban 🏳️‍🌈End the Gender Recognition Reform block 🏳️‍🌈Improve trans healthcare provision 🏳️‍🌈Defend LGBT+ rights around the world 🏳️‍🌈Support the rights of refugees fleeing persecution
Private jets are up to 14 times more polluting than commercial planes per passenger, and 50 times more polluting than trains. Yet every year 90,000 private jets take off in the UK. A £1000 per head tax could deter private jet use and raise hundreds of millions to tackle the climate crisis.
Vote for what you believe in. Reject Westminster rule, warmongering, Brexit and the climate crisis. Help us spread the Green message 👇
This is your chance to vote for what you believe in. To vote with hope. To vote like your future depends on it. #VoteScottishGreens
Scotland needs a just transition to renewables and the green economy. Our planet, economy and communities can't afford anything else. That's why Scottish Greens will end all new oil and gas exploration, and invest £28 billion a year in a Green New Deal. 👇
An annual wealth tax on the super-rich would raise over £70 billion a year. We could: 🟢 Transform our public services 🟢 End child poverty for good 🟢 Tackle the climate emergency There's more than enough money in the UK, but so much of it is being hoarded by a tiny number.
Studies show that we can produce 100% of our energy from renewables. Compared to the UK's strategy of carbon capture and nuclear power this would save us over £100 billion by 2050! Scotland has huge renewables potential. We need to grasp the opportunity. #VoteScottishGreens
Our Bill to ban greyhound racing in Scotland has received the backing of MSPs to move forward in the Scottish Parliament! In just 3 years from 2018 there were 17,930 recorded injuries and 2,412 deaths among registered greyhounds. It's time to end greyhound racing for good.
We now have indisputable and independent evidence in the public domain that Trump's business dealings, including those in Scotland, were linked to fraud. Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with money is able to buy whatever land and property they want without question.
The Scottish Greens will oppose any attempt to return education to the dark ages with a new Section 28. Every young person is entitled to an inclusive education that recognises them for who they are. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️