Scott O. Brown, Man of ComicsTM

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Scott O. Brown, Man of ComicsTM

The award winning writer, letterer, and publisher of comics and graphic novels.
Just a casual weekend working the local comic convention down here in Mobile. Come by to see us if you’re in the area!
Software should always work, even without an internet connection. Burn down the cloud!
Managed to outline the next Super Team story arc today. Always loved the tone of’s Sandman and thought it would be fun to filter a literary mini-epic through our silly little superheroes. Certainly helped me break the story!
Going to give Diamond one last chance. Here’s hoping they don’t lie about my solicitations or try to micromanage me this time.
Okay, it’s official. I’ll read anything by John Langan.
Recently revisited an old screenplay. The story is good and I got great responses from producers, but nothing came of it. Time to make it a novel.
I’m fascinated how I can plot the hell out of a story only for it to become a far more interesting and difficult beast in the actual writing. I love the process!
What I’m working on between farmer’s markets, b2b magazines, and the neverending march of life:
Hanging out with the waifu at a pop-up farmers market at the TSC in Theodore.
End of feed.