
Anyone who has ever dealt with the bureaucracy of proving you are in sufficient need of assistance to get assistance should recognize how huge of a difference unconditional basic income would make in our times of greatest need.
Never mind how intrusive the questionnaires are. Plus the ways they manage to deny after filling everything out.
From their viewpoint, if you are able enough to prove that you need assistance, you don't need assistance 😡😡😡
As a taxpayer, I would rather pay for a UBI than pay the salaries of bureaucrats who pass judgment on people they don't know. Additionally, traditional welfare creates the welfare trap. So we're paying to keep people on welfare. Seems counterproductive.
Another accurate cartoon: Bureaucrats dangle rope above drowning victim's hand, without letting her catch it. So that's what the actual amount of social assistance accomplishes...
And the moralist-ethical blame mindset: Don’t forget that you are responsible for your outcomes. So why did you go swimming/ boating? Should have known better water is dangerous! Dan Ariely has a good project ongoing about bureaucracy…
Is there some way that there can be a grace period of a month or so to just get the thing, which then gives you time to get into the system officially? Or is that too close to the mass fraud of the PPP during Covid?