
We can divide problems into two types: money problems and other problems. Universal basic income will not solve all problems, nor will it solve all money problems, but it will solve a lot of money problems for a lot of people. It's then so much easier to fix the remaining problems.
UBI would have made it easier for me to leave an abusive marriage.
With money problems lessened or removed from the equation, studies have shown, that many other problems resolve themselves.
It has to happen. If not a full then a partial.. $500? It is just the right thing to do and would make an UNBELIEVABLE difference!
Curious how UBI solves the problem of greed? Greed by companies and greed by politicians. Been unemployed for 18 + months so I am by no means against UBI as unemployment ins failed me but, imo, greed and lack of regulation is a reason we have money problems. One reason that is.