Scott Sutherland

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Scott Sutherland

Meteorologist & Science Writer covering climate, space, and astronomy for The Weather Network.
Nerd since 1977 - Star Wars, Star Trek, The Expanse, Dark Matter, LEGO, D&D, NASA
The stars are out tonight.
At the office today, recording a video for the upcoming total solar eclipse. #Science #TotalSolarEclipse
Tis the season to delight all family members and say you're picking a name... FOR AN ASTEROID! The Hayabusa2 spacecraft (now off on its extended mission) will flyby an asteroid with the memorable moniker, 2001 CC21. But YOU could rename it! 🛰️🔭🧪 (And, my Rocky McRockface friends, there are rules).
2023/12/06 What's Discovery of the most primitive boulders on Ryugu
My wife and I are on a trip to Walt Disney World with friends, and before we left I'd learned that there's a new plaque outside Mission:SPACE to honor Perseverance. So, I brought my LEGO model for a photo op.
Hi everyone, I'm a planetary scientist, science writer, and space artist, in the few hours a week I get free from being a mom. My Etsy shop is full of incredibly nerdy jewelry and art made with gemstones and wire, inspired by planets, moons, and stars. #bsnm #BlueSkyNightMarket
Casey McIntyre, a 38-year-old woman with ovarian cancer, started a campaign to help people pay off their medical debt. The funds raised in the week since she died are expected to pay off more than $20 million in debt, an official said.
A Cancer Patient’s Last Wish: To Pay Off the Medical Debt of Casey McIntyre organized a campaign that has raised nearly $220,000 since she died a week ago. The funds are expected to pay off more than $20 million in debt, an official said.
Are there clear skies in your forecast on Friday night and early Tuesday morning? If so, head outside to somewhere dark and turn your eyes towards the stars to see a possible double peak of this year's Leonid meteor shower.
Bright meteor outburst may follow Friday night's Leonids peak - The Weather Look up Friday night to watch the Leonid meteor shower reach its annual peak, with a possible repeat performance Monday night through Tuesday morning!
I was disappointed that we were completely overcast today when the solar eclipse was happening, but there was a brief moment when the Sun & Moon were just barely visible through the clouds.
Hey Canada, are you ready for Saturday's solar eclipse? We'll be seeing a partial eclipse during the event. For all the details on timing, maximum eclipse, safety tips, and how to watch from anywhere (even if you're clouded over) click the link below!
Look up! Canada will be treated to a partial solar eclipse on Saturday - The Weather Heres how to see the October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse from anywhere across Canada, rain or shine!
Any faith in the goodness of people crushed once again this morning as someone violently threw things out of their car at my dog, Pepper, as they passed. My back was turned (picking up after my pup), so I didn't see who they were. 😡🫤
So, when the Full Moon rises on Thursday night, can everyone please try something out for me re: Moon Illusion. When you see the Moon close to the horizon, look at it with only one eye, then switch to the other, and go back & forth. Then look at it with both eyes open. Did you see a difference?
My latest story on this week's Super Harvest Moon appearing on Google News sandwiched in between articles on Dungeons & Dragons and Captain Marvel very accurately sums up my particular brand of nerd. Hehe. 😅
Wow. I'm watching Elemental. What a fantastically beautiful movie.
The Sun today in hydrogen alpha. Processed in natural and inverted chromosphere luminance.
Since its launch, JWST images have astounded global audiences. These images and data are also made available for public usage. wrote a guide on how you can start processing your own JWST images! 📸 JWST/ESA/NASA/STScI teams 🧪🔭
The ISS will pass almost directly over us tomorrow night! The app says it'll be magnitude -4.3 which I think is brighter than I've ever seen.
It's been a minute since I've written an OpEd for, but a new one just posted: In which I am angrily disgusted at Apollo Moon landing deniers, and how they play into the greater conspiracy theorist mindset destroying our country. 🔭 🧪
Moon Landing Denial Fired an Early Antiscience Conspiracy Theory Apollo moon landing conspiracy theories were early hints of the dangerous anti-vax, antiscience beliefs backed by politicians today
GUYS IT'S OUT! Episode 1 of Explore Exoplanets: The Discoverers is online!!! This is a new web series from Caltech/IPAC, with me as your happy and humble host. In the first episode I interview... my boss! Please check it out and PLEASE SHARE IT!!! And let me know what you think. 🥹 🧪🔭🧪
Explore Exoplanets: The Discoverers; Ep. 1 Charles Blowtorch On A Planet! 🔥🔥🔥In this inaugural episode, Jessie finds out why her boss, Executive Director of the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute Dr. Charles...
Jupiter during the Juno spacecraft's Perijove 54 approach on September 7th. NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill
Any meteor shower experts out there have an explanation for the Southern Taurids date discrepancies? IMO: Sept 28-Dec 2, peaks on Nov 4. NASA: Sept 28-Dec 2, peaks on Oct 10. AMS: Sep 23-Nov 12, peaks Oct 19 - AND - Oct 11-Dec 08, peaks Nov 06. No disagreements about Northern Taurids, though.
A treasure trove of pristine asteroid samples will soon be delivered to Earth - After 7 years in deep space, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is returning home to deliver precious cargo from an asteroid dating back to the solar system's birth.
A treasure trove of pristine asteroid samples will soon be delivered to Earth - The Weather OSIRIS-REx is about to complete its primary mission and Canadian researchers are excited to receive this special delivery.
GREAT NEWS! From the latest JAXA briefing: Solar panels deployed, nominal voltage seen, sun acquired, initializing thrusters and reaction wheels. XRISM LAUNCH SUCCESS!!! Congratulations JAXA
The view from the Perseverance Rover's Navcams a few hours ago on Sol 897. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Kevin M. Gill
Today, we have new views of the Whirlpool Galaxy from the JWST! I laid the images taken by each instrument side by side, plus the composite, and the Hubble version. You can really see how the mid IR (MIRI) brings a whole new light to galaxies! Which version is your favorite?
I made some upgrades and improvements to my Perseverance and Ingenuity LEGO model last week. Over the years I'd already upgraded its MMRTG, mast and 'head', and rocker-bogie system. Now it has a new, sturdier mast, new and improved hazcams, and new sample caching system.