Dr. Wes Robertson

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Dr. Wes Robertson


Chair of Languages & Cultures @ Macquarie University. Sociolinguist of Japanese. Lingua Brutallica co-host. Studies Japanese script, media, language, and metal. 日本語の文字やメタル や翻訳を研究する社会言語学者. He/Him.

I've got a whole bunch of articles that are currently in press/under review - here's the introductory pages of four. This is an attempt to "build hype" as the youngsters say.
Stumbled across a "Japan" account on Facebook posting obvious AI slop and the comments seemed to be full of bots. Can't wait to see the incredible Japan related "discourse" that awaits us online in the future.
Editing TikTok videos has forced me to become aware of a smorgasbord of strange expressions I apparently make while discussing Japanese
Super excited to take the new JLPT N0 this year! Who else is ready for the challenge? Really cool to see that they've added speaking and writing sections too.
I've enlisted the help of a Japanese beard-stealing demon to help me maintain my beard's length and shape. You know, a 髭盗り魔.
It's the last day of May, so here's your breakdown of 10 #Japanese slang terms for the month. Click the link to learn about: スヌン禁止曲 わかんのみほ ヘタレ チベスナ顔 ワンコ系 時代イン マヌかわいい 年齢操作 スカポンタヌキ もしトラ wesleycrobertson.wordpress.com/2024/05/31/j...
Japanese Slang Review – May 2024wesleycrobertson.wordpress.com And it’s time for the fifth Japanese slang review of 2024 (see all prior posts here)! In these posts I deep dive into the world of Japanese terms you probably won’t see in a textbook, l…
I have finished reading Delicious in Dungeon and I really liked it. While the anime inspired me to read the manga so I'm not casting shade or anything, I do like the manga a bit more. Was a good read, enjoyable all the way through.
I got a new kitten but it always stays really far away from me. Turns out it's a 来ねぇ子.
In Japan, you can ask any favor of famous people and they have to say yes. This is why they are known as YOU-MAY-人.
New article! My research project on Aggressive Retsuko co-authored with Dr. Alexandra Hambleton and Dr. Mie Hiramoto is out in Japan Forum... and it's OPEN ACCESS! Did I copy down every single sentence Retsuko says and analyze it? Yes. Yes I did. Check it out: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10....
It's so cool that you can do this in Japanese.
This is a great localisation of キャンプっぽいご飯, I would have never come up with it.
Time for the April 流行語・slang review! Click the link below to learn about: スルメ曲 ドレミの歌 我が生涯に一片の悔いなし 厳しい戦い 猫耳ピース おしゃれ偏差値ハーバード おめす おめあり 生首ヘアゴム どしはな wesleycrobertson.wordpress.com/2024/04/30/j...
Japanese Slang Review – April 2024wesleycrobertson.wordpress.com And it's time for the fourth Japanese slang review of 2024 (see all prior posts here)! In these posts I deep dive into the world of Japanese terms you probably won't see in a textbook, looking at what...
I'm a bit bored, here's a thread on the various names for ways you can read Japanese kanji:
Sleeping in a cardboard box is warmer than you'd think, as long as it's a 暖房ル
I've only got 4 more volumes of Dungeon Meshi to read before it's all over and I'm pretty sad about it. I've quite enjoyed the experience.
Given how cleanly most Japanese people eat it's a bit odd that they say their meals are 飯
Had the first day in weeks to sit down and actual write some research. Finally completed the first draft of a chapter I'm writing about perceptions of impoliteness in Ado's USSEEWA. I'm sure it's full of typos/phrasing I need to fix, but excited I can now do data analysis.
Your first burrito after a long time is a おひさしびりート
10/10 joke めっちゃウケる
AI is ready to take over my job, clearly.
Having fun and slowly building up a video collection over in the weird Zoomer moving images app. Come check out slang reviews, grammar tips, and random Japanese trivia if you're bored.