
Gonna be a lot of dunking on this today, so as someone who wrote his dissertation on secession movements, let me point out: 1. This is not a majoritarian mvmt. Like 1861 secession in TX, it's a minority coup 2. It looks majoritarian bc of gerrymandering and disfranchisement (1/2)
Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step' The state GOP has backed a referendum on leaving the American Union in its 2024 legislative platform.
3. Nearly 60% of TX's pop is BIPOC, and new pop growth in TX is basically a 10:1 BIPOC to white ratio. So before you fire up your "let them go" hot takes, consider that you'd be advocating for the abandonment of a lot of folks (many disfranchised or inadequately represented) who hate this shit too
Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step' The state GOP has backed a referendum on leaving the American Union in its 2024 legislative platform.
Also worth pointing out that, despite all these yahoos' bleating about Texas's "proud history" as an independent nation, most of the original TX leaders couldn't wait to be annexed to the US and that was the goal of most TX "revolutionaries." (Except Mirabeau Lamar, but he was an outlier)
Wasn't Texas's initial revolution in part because Mexico outlawed slavery? Yeah, it seems like Texas's "proud history" is more about rich white people asserting / maintaining dominance than "independence."
Yep. See downthread. That was pretty much the whole revolution tbh
Yeah, I started writing that while you were in the process of posting. Would be *really* nice if we could compose a whole thread and post at once, rather than one post at a time.
The Mexican leadership changed to one that was opposed to slavery, and the Mexican government were in the process of outlawing it when Texas decided they no longer wanted to be associated with people who wouldn't allow them to keep slaves anymore.
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