Cranky Prognathodon

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Cranky Prognathodon

A large bitey carnivore living in the Niobraran Sea

The Prognathodon can be found at Yarn to Dye For, in Chrisman, IL, an hour southeast of Champaign-Urbana.
Think this little guy is a bluegill. If not a bluegill, one of the other sunfishes. Quick pic before he went back in the water.
Ron found better hooks, with their own anchors, and hung the net up for me. Ended up a good 6'+ high for reasons. Also very saggy, so the reef and sardines don't show off well. But I bought the net for other plushies, so at some point we'll get a shelf up for the reef. And I have desk space back.
The crocheted coral reef is taking over my desk. Found one of the toy nets, found hooks, still have not checked if we have wall anchors for the hooks, much less put up the net.
Crocheted coral, part umpty-first. 😉 Most elaborate yet. Looks like a cabbage-ish flower when defying gravity or scrunched over sideways to show the base and stalk. Was supposed to be just the base and bottom layer, but things got out of hand. 🙃 What looks grey is actually a pale violet-y blue. 1/
This morning while I dusted and picked up the rest of the shop Ron cleared and took down the work table in the back room. Then he got the radiator back into place and I swept. Getting closer to flooring!
A couple more anemones. I shall call the left-hand one Peach.
We're adjusting our hours, starting Monday July 15th - on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays we'll be opening at noon. Having a yarn emergency? This schedule conflicts with yours? No problem! Give us a call - we live upstairs, so opening at other times is easy!
Ok! Fine! I may have a crocheted coral problem! Made these three smaller guys before I did the anemones, mostly from leftovers I wanted to use up. And Ron made a small coral out of his moebius leftovers. It'll fit in the moebius, but I like it better on top.
Anemones! Crocheted from a pattern by Fat Cat Crochet (.com). Big one is 2 strands of fingering. Decided to do a baby/friend, which is single strand fingering, with a quarter in the base for a weight. Realized while putting the bottom on the big one that I could stitch markers as pins.
Re-arranged the 3rd garage to make a spot for sheet goods (leftover drywall & panelling), *and* get the trailer parked in it again. Dracos re-shingled last year, any water marks are old. Swept up after taking pictures.
Trim up and third coat of paint accomplished in the back room. Dracos needs to build a new windowsill/shelf, old pieces got beat up during removal. Some paint touch ups probably required, but main painting done! Next task is clearing & taking down the table to do flooring.
Today‘s crime against birb was yelling in my v. cranky alpha bitch voice at the dogs, who were arguing about something. This got me chomps on the ear, chomps on the back of my neck, and finger before I got her in a crate. No blood, yay. 🙄 1/2
These more or less ruffly frondy ones are mine. Not sure if they're more coral-ish or more kelp-ish. Just finished the most ruffly one with the green frill yesterday. Made with two strands of fingering-weight yarn held together for inner bodies, outer frills are single strands of fingering. 1/2
I have infected Dracos. This multicolored crocheted ring of coral is a moebius strip, made from most of a skein of yarn that we have two more of.
Mamma gived me cucumber! (back on Tuesday)
The skip is gone! Yay! Dracos cut up and hauled out the old whole-house fan after he (and Tommy) got home Wednesday, and yesterday we hauled out the last load that was sitting on the handtruck. Called this morning and I think it was gone within an hour.
Given all the amateur fireworks going off around us, I‘m really glad we had a decent amout of rain today (grass is still wet). This is where I kinda envy all the steel roofs in Tiny Town. Back to the bedroom to see if drugs and fan noise are helping the dogs.
Here's a couple showing a little more of the construction of this one. Crocheted a starting chain figure-8, then went around one side of it a bunch of times in one yarn. Decided it needed a bunch of laps around the other side of the chain in another yarn. Frilly outer layer is on just the top side.
More bits for the reef! The outside layer of big one is a *lot* of little curled-up fronds, took about 3 days to do them. The the greenish blue was done on a figure-8 chain, outer layer is three double crochets in every stitch. The red/blue and red/orange were quick little ones done between. 1/2
After too many days of hot & sticky, today is lovely. Had a mid-afternoon snack, then plopped myself down in the comfy chair to read ‘s “Bitter Waters”. Then I napped for an hour, with only quiet fan noise as a counterpoint to the outside birbs. 1/2
I committed another Birb Crime when we got downstairs. While opening the shop I *dared* to pull my phone out of my pocket to see who was calling. This time I only got an annoyed bop on the cheek. Kaiju got put in her downstairs crate. And then I stole her floor (removed a layer of paper).
Today’s Birb Crime was . . . stepping out of the bedroom and setting down a bin of laundry. This got me a chomp on the ear. I retaliated with a hand towel over Kaiju’s head, and plopped her into the dining room crate, and am snubbing her while I eat. 1/2
First coat of paint (as high as I can reach) on the back room. 2nd tomorrow, 3rd Friday if needed. Dracos will do the top bits when he gets home (in MI for a family thing)
I believe Kaiju just terrorized Pippin off the bed. Here is an old picture of them illustrating the hundreds of times size difference. Note: “terrorizing” may have neen as simple as “approaching paws”
Decided to get my own crochet hooks instead of borrowing Dracos'. Got Knitter's Pride Zing hooks, since I like the Zing knitting needles so well. My Zing DPs had outgrown their case, so I got a new case that will also hold the longer ones, and moved the hooks into the smaller DP case. 1/2
Party on the reef! It's been so hot & sticky here for the last week that I think my brains have leaked out of my ears. But I did discover hyperbolic crochet, which is very cool. So I've been crocheting coral.
Curious xap is curious, impact my research? Budget & a specific radius are def the weightiest factors, but would be nice to take friends & community into account somewhat too. So hey western-Washington folk (who are willing to share) - where are YOU? 😁 (answering privately other ways fine too)
Zip Code Day gave us the spur to start putting out the older merchandise from our days selling at historical reenactment events, etc. This is just a selection. We have a lot more leather goods, but we need to get the gridwall up in the porch to get it all out. :) 1/2
New screen panels covered with vinyl wallpaper and screen re-assembled. Original panels were 1/4" thick, we ended up with two 1/8", which had the advantage of not having to worry about messing up side A while putting the paper on side B. Dracos did a good job of pattern location & matching.