
I do not want email. I don't want email from ANYBODY. But I especially do not want email sent to a twenty-year-old address that you're then going to get mad at me for not answering. If you must message me, please, I beg, go through my website.
I hate admitting weakness. It always makes me feel vulnerable AND ungrateful, which is not an awesome combination. But right now, my email inbox is giving me actual panic attacks, because it's too full for me to filter out the stuff I NEED to answer from the stuff I WANT to answer.
do you have an assistant? could you afford to hire someone to do that for you?
I have an assistant, she filters my email, but then she passes the stuff that needs to be answered on to me, and that's not something I can pay someone else to do. Sadly.
yeah cloning tech not there yet!
That isn't weakness! It's boundaries, which are the opposite of a weakness.
Multiple email addresses One you publish for fans One for important people like your publisher, family, and close friends One you give to businesses you deal with like the bank and electric company One you use for all those bullshit sites that require verification but you never want to hear from
For a while my personal email was such a cesspit that I sent everything synagogue-related to my work email so I didn’t miss information about the services I needed to keep me grounded. I’m sorry you don’t have that second email address option.
A church I stopped going to 1 year ago contacted me via phone today to update my email. I know the woman who left the message. The congregation is only about 50 ppl. She acted like I had been there the whole time. Being ignored is why I left that church 1 year ago. Not returning that call.
In 2013 I cleaned my work email down 3,000. And those were the days when we were space limited! I just need to just delete anything pre-2024. (But then there’s always that 1 email that proves a point 😈)