Sean The Brewer

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Sean The Brewer

A rare breed, a brewer without facial hair or tattoos. Procurer of the finest hangovers known to humankind. Mostly harmless. Looking for somewhere I fit.
Got told to come home by 5.45 so J can take me to dinner. Have showered and am listening to the cricket waiting for her to get back from the docs
Had a lovely comment from a customer in the day job today, thanking me for their kindness. It's made me smile.
This was a good read.
A tiny ear bone shows a Neanderthal child 140,000+ years ago lived with #DownSyndrome for years, supported by their prehistoric kin. It's the oldest known case of the chromosomal disorder–and powerful evidence for care in the past.
Bones reveal first evidence of Down syndrome in Individual’s survival into early childhood suggests a high level of community care
Shall we have another?
I will never tire of the sunsets here
I will never tire of the sunsets here
What a brilliant idea 😂
Furthest I've ever been. N: Aberdeen UK E: Mauritius S: Cape Town SA W: Belfast
furthest I've ever been (Shit version due to never having left Europe and I doubt I ever will) N: Edinburgh, UK E: Budapest, HU S: Barcelona, ES W: Belfast, UK (after next Thu!)
Anyhow, it wasn't an awful day
On my own, listening to the new Alcest album. Thinking how long my body has left in brewing. It's a sad feeling.
In Canterbury today. I'm at the business, though not the place, where I helped in my first commercial brew.
This one was from last night.
Post a pic you took at sunset.
Any of my blue skyers reading this? Contender for the most kick ass woman on the 20th century. Astonishing tale.
Today's beer recipe. Take yeast, hops, 1 bar of co2 pressure and one absolute Bellend. 🤦
This evening is going rather well.
Very pleased with today's yield.
Don't often talk about the day job on social media but I spoke to a woman who has gained weight due to treatment for breast cancer. I kept it professional, of course, but as we approach the anniversary of my mum's death, it wasn't easy. Especially given this lady was broadly the same age.
Just walked into a pub and it was like when they walked into the Slaughtered Lamb. 😂
Did a few more hours today. Smashed it, added him to the staff WhatsApp group.
Found a couple of hours for him yesterday. He was decent.
Found a couple of hours for him yesterday. He was decent.
Had a young lad come into the bar on his own today and ask for work. "I've got no cv and no experience but I'd like to work here" If I'd had a vacancy I'd have hired him there and then but I was really impressed that he came in on his own rather than with a parent. Takes guts, that.
Had a young lad come into the bar on his own today and ask for work. "I've got no cv and no experience but I'd like to work here" If I'd had a vacancy I'd have hired him there and then but I was really impressed that he came in on his own rather than with a parent. Takes guts, that.
Could really do with a cuddle. Was about to big spoon J but she's doing the morning retching again. 😭 Poor girl.
I have a day off. I'm going to the Primordial General Mayhem in Wolverhampton. This should set me up for the day.
Slight case of the Monday dreads this morning. I'm sure a cuppa will help, though.
They always were awful. No surprise at all to read this.
Well fuck you Nestlé, you awful bunch of cunts
Staying at my dad's as I'm off to a funeral shortly. The brass neck of this...