
Good: in that mode where you're so engrossed in the paper you're writing that you dream about it all night. Bad: waking self not nearly as clever as dream self.
I once dreamed that I’d discovered a new whole number between 5 and 6. What a revolutionary discovery that would have been!
When I was a kid, I was a voracious reader, and one night I had a dream where there were hundreds of books available to me, but they were all blank. Some days I think, kid me wanted to fill those in, but I've only got about 10 publications so far, and only in three books.
Why is that bad? It is still all YOUR MIND, trained by you to do things you want it to do. This is what I don't understand about people who think that because you come to a decision on some things, and then inform the brain monitor, that you somehow didn't think those things, so no free will.
hahahahahaha. hoo boy I feel this.
Worse: you immediately start rewriting the whole thing
Dream-me is very impressive too. 😄